Heh. – IOTW Report


h/t Merry Poppet

9 Comments on Heh.

  1. The media was able to get Nixon to resign because they had a stranglehold on the dissemination of information (factual and otherwise), but the world has changed and the media is left with the puffery of faded glory parading as relevance.

    The more they scream “Hey! Look at me! I’m the arbiter of TRUTH! Don’t look at my lies and propaganda!” the more America looks elsewhere for snippets of facts to attempt to piece together on their own. Unfortunately (for America), there are great masses of somnambulists (mostly in our cities) who haven’t the gumption to do any sort of research on ANY of the subjects currently being bandied about (most of which are false flags and phony narratives). It never dawns on them (for instance) that ALL the problems confronting humanity at any given moment are the results of bad (or deceitful) decisions by politicians – not random occurrences.

    izlamo delenda est …

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