Heh. – IOTW Report


From his personal Twitter account, Pompeo shared his thoughts on Pelosi’s temper tantrum at SOTU.

25 Comments on Heh.

  1. Nasty Bulloseei tearing up stay the union speech…
    Is indicative of her spoiled brat behavior.
    She does not like to see anybody else win,
    The Nation saw for themselves she is not qualified to be in adult government.

  2. When Nancy said it was the courteous thing to do, she was implying that at least she didn’t wipe her ass with it. I wouldn’t have been surprised if she had done that on national TV. She’s that crazy!

  3. I firmly believe that there are still a significant number of “moderate” Democrats out there that are becoming more and more alienated from their party after watching years of these antics may actually take a Democrat Party from mere defeat in 2020 to destruction by staying away from the ballot box. These activities from Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Mueller and all the rest will gain no votes for the Dems and can only mean lost votes. The only question will be how many votes they lose.

  4. Hambone
    FEBRUARY 5, 2020 AT 12:38 PM
    “…she was implying that at least she didn’t wipe her ass with it. ”

    …she WOULD have, but her ass, Adam Schiff, was off somewhere looking for a friendly media outlet to lie to…

  5. I’m a little Johnny-One-Note today on this, but I’m just fascinated by how very like Lincoln’s administration Trump’s is. I’ve never studied the American Civil War in great detail — at least not from the political standpoint — beyond the main points, and I’m not even sure any good historians have written very much about the gritty details of the blind, visceral hatred held by the Democrats against Lincoln, but it was exactly that hatred and precisely their rejection of Lincoln as a legitimately-elected president that caused secession and the war. And it was only because of secession that Republicans held the majorities in Congress. Had they not, it is probably the D’s would have called to impeach him.

    So, when Democrats now insist that the 63 millions who voted for Trump are stupid, racist slobs whose votes don’t count, they are just itching for CWII. They are just that alarmingly off their rockers. Honestly, I don’t know what — short of going to physical battle with them — is ever going to curb their resistance to the Constitution and our country.


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