Heil, Brandon! – IOTW Report

Heil, Brandon!

Canada Free Press

Just when you think the elitists of the Marxist Democrat Party monarchy of Joe Biden couldn’t make any worse a decree, Brandon and his minions come up with the Ministry of Truth. Officially, the Disinformation Governance Board is to be headed by a woman (although the newest Supreme Court Justice doesn’t know for sure).  Nina Jankowicz has been chosen to head up this organization, and she has a track record of misidentifying and consistently endorsing misinformation put before her   What could possibly go wrong?

Now, let’s examine the designated head of the new Ministry of Truth. Before we even consider her qualifications to determine misinformation, she has demonstrated she is not nearly mature enough to even be considered an adult based on the childish material she has posted on the internet demonstrating she has a severe Marxist Democrat political bias. She is certainly not someone to be trusted with determining what is, and what is not, misinformation.

But wait­—there’s more! The Ministry of Truth is to be part of the largest U.S government law enforcement agency, the Department of Homeland Security.  Will the Ministry of Truth have law enforcement powers?  Is the new Ministry of Truth really just going to be the “thought police?”

If Brandon and his Marxist minions consider her “Executive Level” management material, WOW!  How about her ability to discern factual information from disinformation?  With the Trump Russian collusion fraud, she was completely convinced it was factual information.  Wrong!  Then there was the Hunter Biden computer issue which she publically denounced as Trump disinformation.  She was wrong once again.  Need I go on?  Ms. Jankowicz is nothing more than a pretty, millennial, Marxist – educated Democrat drone that will do the bidding of Brandon’s handlers.  The quality of information is not the issue; it is whether the information follows the Marxist, globalist, Democrat orthodoxy or not.  If it does, “it’s information.”  If it does not, “it’s misinformation.” People, that’s exactly what tyranny looks like.  read more

10 Comments on Heil, Brandon!

  1. Right out of the Cloward Piven play book. The hapless republicans are arguing with the dems about who should run this new department rather than should the department even exist. They fall for it every time.

  2. there is no such thing as ‘disinformation’, ‘misinformation’, ‘malinformation’, or any other ‘prefix’ information … there is only information. good, bad, right, wrong, true, untrue, fact or fiction.

    it is up to people (or I should say mature, thinking people) to process information & decide which one they believe.

    I got to give the Marxists credit, they dumbed down the US (& other Western countries) so much that today’s ‘kollige gradgeeits’ beg to have the Marxists lead them.

    Biden’s Ministry of Truth will have these sheeple clapping like trained seals … just as they do w/ ever gloom-&-doom ‘Climate Change’ pronouncement & Orange Man Bad tirade

  3. This is the mechanism by which the Bidenreich intends to control the media. It’s gonna be like the official newspapers Pravda (truth) and Isvestia (news) in the old USSR. Only approved stories and opinions will be allowed to be broadcast or printed. We are almost there now, but this Disinformation Board will become a permanent fixture, immune to changes in the Executive.

    In the USSR, the saying was that pravda is not isvestia, and isvestia is not pravda.


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