Heitkamp ‘Pretty Much’ Suspended Campaign After Outing Sexual Assault Victims – IOTW Report

Heitkamp ‘Pretty Much’ Suspended Campaign After Outing Sexual Assault Victims

Breitbart: In a recent interview, Democrat Sen. Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota claimed she “pretty much” suspended her campaign after outing victims of sexual assault without their consent.

When Heitkamp was asked by anchor Chris Berg of KX4 and West Dakota Fox if she considered suspending her campaign for a couple of days to get to the bottom of the issue, Heitkamp responded, “I think I pretty much did. We pretty much went into full-on let’s deal with this.”

“So a number of campaign activities were canceled as a result of this,” Heitkamp added.

“Nearly one week after Heidi Heitkamp outed victims of sexual assault without their consent, she is still not being truthful,” said North Dakota Republican Party Communications Director Jake Wilkins. “Many victims said this horrible tragedy ruined their lives, yet Heidi Heitkamp is dead set on continuing to lie to them and to the people of North Dakota.”

Last week, Sen. Heitkamp ran an open letter to her Republican opponent, Rep. Kevin Cramer. Included in the letter were 120 names, some of which were included without their permission.

The day after it was reported that Heitkamp outed the victims of sexual assault, Showtime’s The Circus filmed her campaigning once again.

She also released a campaign ad the following day in an attempt to smear Kevin Cramer on health care, immigration, and – inexplicably – women.

A new poll from KVLY, KFYR and Strategic Research Associates shows Republican Kevin Cramer leading Democrat incumbent Heidi Heitkamp by 16 percentage points.  more here

12 Comments on Heitkamp ‘Pretty Much’ Suspended Campaign After Outing Sexual Assault Victims

  1. The democrats have spent so many generations dumbing their base down while ignoring laws and basic social mores, that they can’t run competent campaigns because they think they can do whatever they want without consequences. I suppose they could be advised to think again, but I don’t believe they thought anything out the first time around. They have zero competence now.


  2. Whatever msnbc skinhead brown shirt with pink hat dress up and play Circus Clown John Heilemann touches bloombergs into one big Pile of shit. Check the Record.

    Ask Mika n Mourning Joe
    Ask Michael Avenatti
    Ask Heidi Heitkamp
    Ask Mark Halperin
    Ask Harold Ford
    Ask Donny Deutsch
    Ask. . . Weiner On and On and On

    Proof is in the Puddin’

  3. You know I don’t like a whole lotta politicians, but man, Heidi is in my top 10 on the crunt list. Whatever happens to her, I hope it leaves a financial skidmark and a loss of her seat. (okay that sounded gross)
    Bye, Heidi!


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