Helicopter Money – IOTW Report

Helicopter Money

American Thinker:

Imagine getting up one morning and finding helicopters hovering over the neighborhood. They are showering down cash on the community. All one has to do is go and pick up an allotted amount. Such a prospect might seem too good to be true. However, in these chaotic times, it might become the new normal.

The concept is called helicopter money. Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman coined the term in 1969 to envisage how sudden increases in money supply universally distributed would affect spending and saving. His conclusions were not favorable. No one took it seriously at the time. Everyone agreed that it should be avoided.

Calling in the Choppers in a Time of Crisis

However, some people now think it will help get the country out of the present mess. It seems like an ingenious way to get the money in the hands of those who need it.

But free helicopter money is a sign of desperation. Since the 2008 subprime mortgage crisis, the Federal Reserve has resorted to a toolkit of money injection instruments to prime the economy. This has included near-zero interest rates and massive central bank purchases of government bonds, called quantitative easing. The COVID crisis has only increased the pressure to free up money to “stimulate” the economy and prevent collapse. However, there are few tools left in the Fed’s toolbox.

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19 Comments on Helicopter Money

  1. Not trying to be a dick here… but the faster we run the economy into the ground, the better. Not because I want the USA to fail etc… I want it to fail while the ROBUST (Pre-Coup-19) economy of President Trump is still fresh in everyone’s minds and while these criminal usurpers are running their bungling shit-show for EVERYONE to witness. Progressive Socialism is a sure failure because they will run out of money. The faster we run them out of money, the faster we can rid ourselves of them.

  2. The N word was not me…. I have not used that term. Someone wants be banned (Brad and Burr) so I am leaving for GOOD. Along with my donations to this site. Which have been quite substantial over the years. Good luck with the upcoming purge.

  3. Did that asshole just try and blame that fucked up comment on Burr or me. I didn’t write it and doesn’t sound like something Burr would do. MJA, is eat caca and croke the one who wrote that? And if he is you should out the coward.

  4. Well, whatever is going on here, someone is violating FUR’s prime directive.

    On another note, “eat caca and croke” is funny, Brad. This is your first warning to STOP MAKING ME LAUGH when I’m consuming my first cocktail for the day. (Yeah, I know, it’s a little early…)

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