Hellbow Macaroni n Shedder Cheese – IOTW Report

Hellbow Macaroni n Shedder Cheese

17 Comments on Hellbow Macaroni n Shedder Cheese

  1. “What is a woman’s ‘yet’?”
    “Hmmm … I don’t know. Why do you ask?”
    “A newspaper article said that a woman was shot and the bullet is in her yet.”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Watched as many episodes as I could of Justin Wilson’s Cooking show back in the day. I thought he was fascinating. The accent was so exotic to me. Most of the time I couldn’t understand what he was saying but his show was really entertaining.

  3. I was stationed in Biloxi MS when Justin Wilson was doing his outdoor cooking series. A couple of us would put on our dress blues and go to the filming of the show where we would get picked to be part of the filmed audience. If you were part of the filmed audience you got fed and you were up close and personal with Justin. He liked military in the audience and would spend extra time with us giving extra samples and shooting the bull. It would take two to three hours to shoot a show and the wine didn’t come out until after the first hour.

  4. One of the greats with the perfect method of measuring wine. He made the joke Cajuns are like the Chinese. They’ll anything with wings except a plane and anything with legs except a table.

  5. During preparation, he pawed the food out of the bowls when nothing needed to be touched by his hands. Knowing that, I wouldn’t touch his food.

  6. “During preparation, he pawed the food out of the bowls when nothing needed to be touched by his hands. Knowing that, I wouldn’t touch his food.”

    You should probably skip all restaurants then. You would be appalled at how often bare hands (albeit washed) are used in preparation of your meals.

    Just watch a few Gordon Ramsey shows to get an idea of how much.


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