At the debate: Walz claimed he has become friends with school shooters, and more!

CNN and MSNBC are both melting down as Walz’s disastrous performance now threatens to tank Harris’s already slim chances of winning the election.
At the debate: Walz claimed he has become friends with school shooters, and more!
CNN and MSNBC are both melting down as Walz’s disastrous performance now threatens to tank Harris’s already slim chances of winning the election.
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But but but Maddow and Reid said Timmy won!
With Walz declaring he was friends with school shooters, he sunk the Harris campaign to the same depths as the titanic where it is ready to totally implode due to the pressure exerted upon it from the results of this debate.
New headline: “Admitted Knucklehead Says He’s Friends With School Shooters”
To be fair, I think he may have screwed that one up, but at that level and in these times you CAN’T make a mistake like that!!
That picture of tampon timmy shows him with a real deer in the headlights look saying “oh shit” just before he gets flattened and splattered all over the highway by a 50-ton semi-truck.
racist madcow & j. can’t-read, fku
When Timmy’s response to the very first question about Iran attacking Israel went into criticism of President Trump’s comments about rally crowd size, I bailed out. I made it through maybe two minutes. But even that soon it was clear I’d learn nothing new to add to what I already knew. I could add a bunch of detail, but to what end?
— JD is good, very good
— Timmy is bad, very bad
Campaign boilerplate, sketchy anecdotes, garbled fables, misrepresentations and outright lies. Did I leave anything out?
Oh yeah…those big bug-eyes. How could I forget that?
Tampon Timmy looked crazed more than a few times. Even as Vance was speaking, Timmy’s pupils were dilated like he got into biden’s medicine cabinet.
But the real prize goes to CBS for being partisan SCUM.
The Media will NEVER host a fair/honest debate. They are total shit.
We he just admitting a link to the fact that some “shooters” have gender identity issues and needed tampons in their bathrooms?
The moderators ‘allegedly’ hosted a debate.
I made it an hour and some, then had to quit.
Don’t let Period Brain females moderate debates for the same reasons Period Brain females should not vote!
Twinkle Toes Tim kept writing notes when he wasn’t staring like a lunatic at Vance. Bet one note he wrote was, “Oh crap, I’m screwed”.
Of course he’s friends with school shooters. Most of them are trannies these days.
Caption for Timmy’s face (above):
That face you make when Obama is giving you a prostate exam with both hands on your shoulders.
his debate performance sank the campaign? SERIOUSLY?! like the last 4 years weren’t enough to sink the whole party and everyone else in dc?
IMO, this debate changed nothing. It only reaffirmed to me that the republicans SUCK when it comes to negotiating and agreeing to who and how the debates are held.
Just a Freudian slip.
i’d say the pedocrat mas-debator lost out
The owners want Harris so Harris it is. The cum guzzler tampon Tim is irrelevant. VP debates are supposed to be barbed wire matches, bloody and furious, so the Presidential candidates can maintain their ‘dignity’ Hah! Not this time… or last. I kept thinking Vance and Walz ought to ‘get a room’.
Beating? That was an out and out murder.
Uncle Al, when Walz was answering the first question, I determined right then that they DID give him the questions ahead of the debate. He actually made a little sense until he started attacking Trump. That’s when I knew someone coached him.
Gov. Doltz was as well prepared for his debate as Custer at the little bighorn.
Only takes 15 counties to swing a national election. The Dems know this.It worked before and nothing happened.