Help A Girl Out – IOTW Report

Help A Girl Out

Marjorie Taylor Greene
Republican-elect (GA-14)

On January 6 on the House floor, I will OBJECT to fraudulent electoral votes from several states at the Capitol. 

But I cannot do this alone. I must have a grassroots army behind me. 

We have a rapidly growing group of House Members and Senators. But more pressure is needed!

First: Sign your petition to FIGHT FOR TRUMP. 

After you sign, call your Representative and Senators urging they FIGHT FOR TRUMP and OBJECT to the voter fraud from several states. 

Representative: 202-225-3121 

Senators: 202-224-3121

Sign your petition to FIGHT FOR TRUMP and STOP THE STEAL!

7 Comments on Help A Girl Out

  1. I live in Louisiana and have already written both Senators. One failed to reply, as usual, the other confirmed he’s a member of the surrender caucus. Might as well be Democrats. Both are spineless

  2. @burner
    DECEMBER 23, 2020 AT 8:58 AM
    “At this point, I’m loathe to put my real name to anything against the leftists.“

    Don’t worry, the deep state already knows exactly who you are and has a file on you, even if you use an alias to post comments. NSA, CIA, FBI are all in on the overthrow of President Trump, and all of us patriots are on their radar.


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