15 Comments on Her Greatest Hits: “So, Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia.”
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functionally retarded but barely functionally.
She was functional only when she was bare.
She’s like Obama. Says nothing but does it by using fewer words.
If this tool is elected, we’re all be killed like Vdare:
We have now been unburdened by the burdens of the past.
Official word salad sponsor of the Olympic Games and the DNC. I would say that she has shit for brains, but I would not wish to insult shit.
She ain’t gonna make it to the ballot.
Unless this is their throwaway candidate.
I find myself falling in love with this Aussie news lady…
The only thing that can deal with this is the passage of time.
You can’t overestimate the importance of the passage of time.
Time passes. Will you?
I picture her like the ball in a pinpall machine just mindlessly bouncinig around from bumper to bumper getting spanked by the flipper every now and then and overindulging in the plunger until the TILT light flashes!
Rita Panahi is a cutie
Kamala might make a tolerable Kindergarten teacher.
Kamala: Now children, repeat after me:
This is the way we tie our shoes, tie our shoes, tie our shoes
This is the way we tie our shoes, so early in the morning
This is the way we chew our gum, chew our gum, chew our gum
This is the way we chew our gum, so early in the morning
Little Joey Biden (sobbing): Miss Kamala, I can’t do both of them the same time.
Kamala: Little Joey, don’t cry. Whispers (Joey, here’s a little secret between you and me….can you keep a secret? Yes? OK, I can’t do it either)
The media machine is already working in high gear to manufacture “grass roots” support for this imbecile. And the low-IQ/low-information voters are gobbling up the bullshit as fast as they can produce it. Is she on the cover of Vogue, yet?
Kamala, Kindergarten Teacher:
Children: Let’s talk about Ukraine.
Think about Ukraine like you’d think about little Joey Biden, your little friend. You know how that bigger boy beats him up every day at recess? Well it’s just exactly the same as Russia beating up Ukraine. Russia is a big bully and Ukraine is just like Little Joey, a skinny non-athletic little kid who always cries and wants the other kids to fight his battles for him.
That’s why we have to help Little Joey. Children, do you understand?
Children: Yes, Ms. Kamala.
Go to about 13:12 on this clip at the two DEI cops. I swear I saw their fatter sister tonight while out eating dinner with family.
She was behind me, but I saw her when she walked in with her uniform and gun holstered that she probably wouldn’t be able to get her fat arms around her fat gut to reach.
After we walked out one of my family members told me I missed the fat lesbo cop all over the fat woman she sat down beside. I said well she checked all the boxes except skin color, but a male cop carrying on like that in uniform would immediately be fired. If I was a citizen of the town I would let the stupid mayor and city council know about it.