Her heart went out to Nikolas Cruz… – IOTW Report

Her heart went out to Nikolas Cruz…

via Matt Christiansen

But Erica Thomas wants her ‘attacker’ Eric Sparkes locked up for WORDS.
Notice how she tends to make everything about HERSELF?

12 Comments on Her heart went out to Nikolas Cruz…

  1. The bottom line is this: if you are said to be white, even if you aren’t, you are guilty of whatever a black liberal says you are guilty of.

    Yeah, they are working with law enforcement. RadioMattM hey will be charged with filing a false police report. Any time now (yeah, sure). What is she going to do when the Publix video is released and it shows that she is the one who approached Sparkes.

  2. Holy shit; she has Jackie Chiles as her attorney!!!
    And what the hell is that thing standing next to her at her press conference where she announces the lawsuit?? Looks like a black Zippy the Pinhead.

  3. Tomorrow morning in tribute to Erica, all night I’m going to harbor a massive retention of gas. So that my fart will go out to her resulting in a hopefully fatal outcome.

  4. That’s actually a funny quote, in a dark (no pun intended) way: “it” feels bad for cruz because he has no one – because he murdered them all.

    What a freak. Too bad “it” wasn’t a victim instead of one of the kids who was.


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