Here Are All Of The Shutdown Deals Democrats Have Rejected – IOTW Report

Here Are All Of The Shutdown Deals Democrats Have Rejected

DC: Democrats have rejected every offer to reopen the government from a partial shutdown, even as the White House’s offers become increasingly favorable to the Democratic position on immigration.

The shutdown began over five weeks ago when President Donald Trump demanded $5.6 billion in border wall funding, but Democrats — who had enough votes to block legislation — would only support $1.6 billion in border security funding.

Since then, President Donald Trump has repeatedly moved the goalposts closer to the Democrats, offering protections for certain classes of illegal immigrants in exchange for $5.7 billion in wall funding. Still, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer say they will not approve a single dollar for the wall.

Here are all of the deals Democrats have rejected since the shutdown started:

$5.7 Billion For The Wall 

After Senate Republicans failed to pass a continuing resolution in December that included $5 billion in border wall funding, Democrats made clear that they would not support a similar measure nor negotiate with the White House as they took control of the House of Representatives in the new year.

$2.5 Billion For The Wall 

Days later, Vice President Mike Pence and Acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney offered to cut Trump’s request for wall funding in half. Democrats waited days to respond to the offer and then informed the White House they were not interested in making a deal.

Border Fence Instead Of A Wall 

Pence told reporters during the first week of January that the White House would be willing to opt for a steel fence at the border instead of a concrete wall as a concession to Democrats, but Democrats said they would not negotiate until the government was reopened.

Reopen The Government In Exchange For Wall Funding

The president asked Pelosi during a meeting on January 9 if she would fund the wall if he temporarily reopened the government for three weeks. Pelosi said no, and Trump walked out of the meeting.

$5.7 Billion For A ‘Barrier,’ $800 Million In Humanitarian Aid, And More Border Agents

Trump offered additional concessions alongside his desired funding for the wall, including humanitarian aid and beefed up security on the border. After delivering a national address outlining his latest deal, Pelosi and Schumer rejected it in their own national response.  more here

11 Comments on Here Are All Of The Shutdown Deals Democrats Have Rejected

  1. Scary, you can have a loved one, family member ruled legally insane. Unless they are a politician, nope, Nada, zip, zero.
    The ones that make the laws have ensured so.
    Worse, the only appointed for life is supposed to be the Supreme Court.
    Just try saying your vote matters and Schumer and Pelosi in the same sentence.
    You may be able to utter it, but that’s about it.

  2. The Border Wall and Illegal immigration are blowing up in the Liberal / Socialist-Democratic Party’s faces.

    America clearly see’s that they placing NON-Citizens wants over US Citizen needs.

    Even CNN Polls show Trump gaining not losing popularity.

  3. The Democrats are standing firm on their position because they have grown used to the Republicans caving in on every issue when they do.

    Maybe it’ll be different this time, they seem to be holding up longer than usual.

    But I expect them to give in eventually, I guess it depends on who has the bigger balls: Pelosi or Trump.

  4. And they will continue rejecting offers with a supportive media refusing to tell the story of the financial and criminal costs of this continued invasion. The White House might be bending their sales pitch to include stories of crime and suffering on the Mexican side of the border but the media will refuse to broadcast.

    Trump and his advisers are a lot smarter than I am politically but the clock is ticking and the people who voted for Trump expected, or prayed, for action on this issue. I am more than ready for a Commander in Chief to spell out in detail the cost to our society of the invasion from the south: the crimes, the effect on our schools, hospitals, welfare system and on and on. Tell stories of the crimes on the Mexican side as well. Then I want our President to wrap himself in the mantle of office and declare he will do his duty to protect our country and people. Build the wall. Deport anyone in the country illegally. Call for the people who voted for him to stand up and dare Congress to impeach and remove him from office for fulling his promise and his duty to protect and defend the American people. Ignore orders from liberal judges. Declare the invasion an act of war and start vigorously defending our country. Much like Desert Storm, continue telling the story with periodic broadcasts. Use public relations to make Americans proud that we are taking our country back from the illegals and their supporters.

    I hesitated to post this rant. But I’m tired on the inaction. Nancy and Chuck win by running out the clock. If President Trump does not put a stop to this, what future President will?

  5. The filthy fukkin RINOs had two – count em! TWO fukkin years – YEARS – to rid us of ObolaCare and Build The Fukkin Wall!

    They did NOTHING. Not a single fucking thing. And now the RNCC and RNSC are crying and whining and begging for money.

    Fuck them! FUCK THEM! I’m so angry I could spit (have been since the traitors abandoned President Trump and the American People).

    izlamo delenda est …


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