Here Are Hunter Biden’s Alleged Text Messages Giuliani Just Turned Over to the Delaware State Police – IOTW Report

Here Are Hunter Biden’s Alleged Text Messages Giuliani Just Turned Over to the Delaware State Police


Rudy Giuliani handed over “very, very sensitive” text messages to the Delaware State Police that are allegedly from Hunter Biden to his father, former Vice President Joe Biden. In the text messages, Hunter allegedly accused his sister-in-law and former lover, Hallie Biden, of telling Hunter’s therapist that he was sleeping with a 14-year-old girl. 

The alleged text messages said:

She told my therapist I was sexually inappropriate with [name redacted when she says that I face time naked with her and the reason I can’t have her out to see me is because I walk around naked smoking crack talking [redacted] girls on face time. When she was present she said that [redacted] never said anything like that but the bottom line is that she I create and caused a very unsafe environment for the kids. If it stopped there I would let it go but then [redacted] friend [redacted] sober coach.

According to Giuliani, there are “numerous pictures of underage girls” that accompany the text messages. He was “very uncomfortable” with the texts and pictures, which is why he turned them over to the Delaware State Police on Monday, the lawyer explained during a segment on Newsmax.
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19 Comments on Here Are Hunter Biden’s Alleged Text Messages Giuliani Just Turned Over to the Delaware State Police

  1. The scumbag crackhead was banging his dead brothers wife and his dead brothers 14 year old daughter. Think about that for a minute.

    Joe the Dope and the dead brothers wife knew he was banging the 14 year old while strung out on meth.

    The fbi covered up the rape of a 14 year old child by her crackhead uncle and allowed it to continue. Why? Because they didnt want to rock the boat and lose the opportunity to make money and get promoted. Despicable.

  2. Giuliani is everywhere on tv and podcasts he can get. He has to do it because the Democrat Pravda won’t give it a mention.
    This family isn’t the only one I’m sure, in DC doing this stuff.
    If the Bidens go down there are sure to be more investigations.

  3. I did not know that the laptop was left at the computer shop in April 2019, the same month Joe Biden entered the Presidential campaign. Weird.

    If Biden hadn’t entered the race, George Stephanopoulos would never have asked Trump if he’d accept dirt on political opponents which came from foreign countries. And Trump would never have been impeached for it. And the computer shop guy might never have sent the laptop to the FBI. Hell, Hunter might have come out of the haze and picked it up. But he didn’t, and Joe was in the race to stay out of jail.

    And if Trump had been removed from office on February 5th, none of this laptop scandal would have ever seen the light of day. Once Trump beat impeachment, it was imperative that Biden become the nominee, because by this time, Obama and crew knew that the FBI was holding Hunter’s hideous laptop. Thus we had a rigged Super Tuesday for Joe, immediately followed by Covid Clampdown and the end of public rallies.

    As the months passed, the deep state became confident that the laptop problem had been successfully contained. Maybe they were worried about a Dead Man’s Switch by the computer shop guy, maybe not. Maybe Chris Wray is just a bumbling incompetent who does as he’s told and doesn’t think ahead. It doesn’t matter now.

    Joe had been hiding and struggling along though the Summer, backed by the lockdown, media and fake polls, but then Trump cranked up the rally machine again in the home stretch, forcing feeble Joe out of the basement. And now Rudy drops the biggest bombshell on Joe, exposing everybody and everything, just as the finish line comes in sight. Bitter irony for the guy who was calling for a “coup de grace” on Trump two weeks ago.

  4. Don’t get me wrong – I know this is horrible for the underage children involved; however, with all the hype going on from ‘this source’ and ‘that source’, you’d think they would drop something that would be the END ALL for Creepy Joe and the democrats – TODAY. Maybe I’m just out of patience…

  5. MJA, Bannon (Steve, not Race) said there is a method and a plan for the release of info. I will defer to him, but I agree with you. Hit faster and harder, please.

    BTW, Bannon doesn’t seem too perturbed by that “We Build the Wall” bullshit investigation, and the media sure isn’t hyping it. They must be busy with more pressing concerns. Same with SDNY.

  6. The issue is most Democrat/Socialism voters, have the same attention span as gold fish. If they release it to early they will forget before Nov. 3rd.
    The Media is Socialism, were the top 1% make MILLIONS, while 100 peasants wait/serve them.

  7. Is this the same Deleware popo that locked up Larry Sinclair for daring to say he went on a couple dates with obutthoe?
    You’ll never guess who was the attny gen of Deleware at the time … biteme’s other degenerate kid … whodathunkit

  8. Does anyone else think that Hunter left the laptop intentionally to get even with his father? I’ve read where Hunter was a big disappointment to Joe, and Joe used him to become rich. Joe has no problem in using people. Joe knew that Humper was screwing Joe’s exDIL, but her kid too. Maybe Humper got tired of Joe’s BS and paying him off. Humper says to Dad Dearest “I wasn’t thinking straight dad, my crack addiction is out of hand.” A child knows when a parent doesn’t care for them.

  9. Goldenfoxx…was thinking the same thing, just this morning. The comment about giving half of his money to daddy. I’d be willing to bet Joe was quite abusive when the sons were younger. He might be at the point of “eff it, I’ve had enough” and wouldn’t mind getting back at him.

  10. The fbi has had the laptop for a year and knew what was on it and did nothing.

    well, not quite nothiing. They alerted their friends in the media that if they want biden to get elected, they’d better start making movies like cutie and writing articles normalizing pedophelia. Just in case this evil republicans start leaking what is on biden’s laptop. A ‘get out in front of it’ operation.

  11. i heard Rushs theory that hunter wanted the laptop found. Sounded legit to me. After all, if you really want to break addictions you need to start confessing, you need to get it off your chest, you want forgiveness. If hunter recognized that the reason for his addiction is pop, then leave your laptop where they will find the evidence. Thats a good place to start, especially if youre a coward.


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