Here Are The Obama-Era Officials Allegedly Behind The Alabama False Flag Campaign – IOTW Report

Here Are The Obama-Era Officials Allegedly Behind The Alabama False Flag Campaign


A trove of reports show two Obama-era officials are partially responsible for a misinformation campaign designed to derail Republican Roy Moore’s senatorial campaign in Alabama.

Former President Barack Obama campaign organizer, Mikey Dickerson, was instrumental in a disinformation campaign targeting Moore, reports show. He was not alone. Evan Coren, who has worked for the National Archives unit since Obama’s first term, also targeted the Republican’s campaign.

Coren, for his part, is a progressive activist who handles classified documents for the Department of Energy. He has not responded to The Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment about the nature of the campaign, which was designed to fool conservatives into believing Moore intended to reimpose prohibition.

Coren and other operatives created a “Dry Alabama” Facebook page with a blunt message attached: Alcohol is evil and should be prohibited, The New York Times reported Monday, citing sources familiar with the matter. The page included images of car wrecks and ruined families, the report notes. Its contents were targeted at business conservatives who are inclined to oppose prohibition.

Two wealthy Virginia donors who wanted to defeat Moore funded the project, according to a person who worked on the project and who spoke on condition of anonymity. The Dry Alabama project was one of two $100,000 campaigns designed to help Moore’s Democratic opponent, Doug Jones, who barely won the 2017 special election.  more


Doug Jones (AL-D)

7 Comments on Here Are The Obama-Era Officials Allegedly Behind The Alabama False Flag Campaign

  1. How is a federal employee allowed to meddle in elections and remain employed?
    And why would anyone allow a rabid extremist to get anywhere near classified material?
    Barry must have been smitten by his come hither starfish.

  2. “Two wealthy Virginia donors who wanted to defeat Moore funded the project”

    Time for retributive justice on the folks that sanction/pay for these contracts/hits; that’s the only way to end this kind of crap.

  3. “…reports show two Obama-era officials are partially responsible…”

    so, if they are partially responsible, who are the others?
    Please investigate this web of corruption that has infested our government.
    Maybe rbg can look into it while she is waiting for the mailman with the day’s proceedings from the court.


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