Here come the caffeine police – IOTW Report

Here come the caffeine police

Daily Signal: The health police are turning their sights to energy, calling for tobacco style regulations on caffeine and bans on energy drinks for young Americans.

Nutrition experts are calling on the federal government to heavily regulate the levels of caffeine permitted in energy drinks out of fear that the beverages are harming public health, particularly the youth.

Advocates are concerned there are no rules restricting energy drink manufacturers from marketing to those who face potentially fatal consequences from consuming the beverages, according to an op-ed in The Washington Post.

Pat Crawford and Wendi Gosliner, researchers with the University of California’s Nutrition Policy Institute, want the Food and Drug Administration to crack down on energy drinks with restrictions similar to those placed on alcohol. They argue that the FDA must “ban the marketing of energy drinks to young people of all ages,” and launched a public education effort on the dangers of caffeine.  more here

17 Comments on Here come the caffeine police

  1. What we need is legislation that bans weakness and stupid behavior.

    But first we need to eliminate all legislation that protects people from the consequences of weak and stupid behavior.

  2. “The interfering Eye looks;
    and having looked, moves on.”

    The busy-body maggots will not rest until they have stamped out every semblance of Freedom and Liberty.

    “You may not be interested in the Modern State; but the Modern State is, certainly, interested in YOU!”

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. You can’t legislate away stupidity.
    You can regulate stupidly and cause greater problems.

    If the FDA cuts the ingredients of energy drinks, consumers will just buy two energy drinks further creating more FDA concern and regulations.

    I would much prefer the FDA concentrate and increase research and testing of new medications lingering in the approval process which would save 10s of thousands versus the concern of energy drinks.

  4. I’m sure my cardiologist would strongly advise not to drink that crap. He’d prefer I didn’t drink soda, either. Almost any doctor will tell you soda isn’t good for you. Doctor Kevorkian may be the exception. Abort a baby, instead.

  5. Most folks can handle a lot of caffeine. Unfortunately, I’m not one who can. Had one of these babys, wound up in the ER, got the paddles. Because everything we buy comes with incredibly stupid warnings, I probably would not have read the warning. Would most likely have ignored the warning as well.

  6. If the first, the very first, time someone contracted mercenaries to slap the food from your hands, before being paid by taking your wallets, had caused you to escort your professional betters and their mercenaries to the ditch, and return alone, you wouldn’t be discussing this with your empty mouths, now.

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