Here comes Reverend Al! – IOTW Report

Here comes Reverend Al!

Patriot Retort:

Just when you thought President Trump’s hammering Elijah Cummings over the plight of Baltimore couldn’t get any worse for the Democrats, think again. Reverend Al Sharpton is tossing his Molotov cocktail into the mix.

Rita Panahi is right.  President Trump is blessed with truly moronic opponents.

Reverend Al glomming onto Baltimore will be about as helpful to the Dems as Michael Avenatti hopping aboard the “Smear Kavanaugh” bandwagon.

I think the last time Sharpton was in Baltimore was when he played human shield for failed mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake.

Remember that?  It was during the Baltimore riots after the death of Freddie Gray.  Mayor Rawlings-Blake had bungled the entire affair. So Reverend Al flew to Baltimore, not to “heal” the community or get “Justice for Freddie,” but to play personal body guard to the “Space to Destroy” Mayor.

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23 Comments on Here comes Reverend Al!

  1. Well they don’t call him the “Fat Rat” for nothing. Last I heard the Gambino family still owes Al for being a snitch.
    Maybe they’ll get lucky, if the IRS dosn’t get him first.

  2. Buy popcorn stock. The fun is just beginning.
    That idiot hypocrite Cummings opened his pie
    hole one too many times and Trump stuffed his
    size 12 boot in it.
    He put the bully pulpit’s spotlight on the true
    source of the rot in the cities and the sleeping
    Democrat plantation serfs are waking up to see
    that illegal border jumpers are given a better
    deal by the Dems than they ever saw. Stay tuned….

  3. Buy popcorn stock. The fun is just beginning.
    That idiot hypocrite Cummings opened his pie
    hole one too many times and Trump stuffed his
    size 12 boot in it.
    He put the bully pulpit’s spotlight on the true
    source of the rot in the cities and the sleeping
    Democrat plantation serfs are waking up to see
    that illegal border jumpers are given a better
    deal by the Dems than they ever saw.
    Seeing the hole that Donald just blew in their
    Titanic they are sending in their best deck chair
    arrangers to hide it under the usual “racism”
    smoke bomb. Stay tuned….

  4. Trump’s a racist; Al Sharpless Pointless is not.
    Meanwhile, the point of the message that Baltimore is a Democrat-run, rat-infested turd-world-like shithole is completely lost in the sound of loud bleating from the Sharpless Pointless crowd.

  5. It’s a Turd World after all
    It’s a Turd World after all
    It’s a Turd World after all
    It’s a Turd, Turd World

    AND I’M AL.



  6. Al’s chumming for mo black grievance dollahs.
    Trayvon, Mike Brown, Freddy Gray, all fabulous payola, but the gravy train dried up around 2016.

  7. I see the end of the democratic party very soon. Be surprised it will make it through 2020 elections. New party to take place: “You’re a Racist” party

  8. Trump will destroy any legacy the dems ever had. They will be remembered as the freeloader pad my pockets do nothing party. Keep messing with him! Serves you right….

  9. I just love the way President Trump takes these scumbags down one by one while still dealing with Russia, China, NK, Iran, the border, immigration, etc.
    He still has the energy to battle the fake media, Schumer, Pelosi, Nadler and other useful idiots around DC and the country.
    He is an amazing man, and we are blessed to have him.
    What if Killary won? Oh Dear God. The very thought of it runs shivers up my spine

  10. I’m betting that Candace Owens is looking and sounding My-Tee good to a lot of blacks these days.

    My theory is that a lot of black Americans living in ghetto-like living conditions were promised a piece of the take down the line — like, uh, reparations. Like the Lost Dutchman mine, it’s never gonna materialize, folks! I think they’re finally starting to figure that one out. Let’s hope so, anyway.

  11. And just when you thought it couldn’t get any weirder today’s Babylon Bee has a story called Photograph emerges of Al Sharpton arriving at scene where Cain killed Abel in order to cry racism. Mr. Johnny on the spot has just figured out it’s all Cain’s fault and now he’ll blame him for everything. Did he steal the Wayback machine and kick Sherman and Mr. Peabody off of it in order to go back to the first murder?


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