Here Is The Evidence – IOTW Report

Here Is The Evidence

Have A Look.
Election 2020, COVID19, and Capitol Protest.
h/t Entheos.

11 Comments on Here Is The Evidence

  1. We know that we know that they know but it still doesn’t mean anybody really knows enough to admit everybody knows what they did.

    As long as that illegitimate FJB continues to claim the presidency by legitimate means rather than the truth we all know – America is lost.

    It’s past time to awake (notice I didn’t say “awoken”) our outrage in productive rather than just through mental masterbation.

  2. Hey! “No Standing” is MY line!



    Now go away quickly or they WILL hunt you down and put you in J6 jail.

    Where you, your lawyer, and your family will have…


  3. Proud boy, Joseph Briggs sentenced to 17 years in prison for his part in leading an attack on the US Capital. Zackary Rehl will be sentenced on Thursday, Dominic Pezzola & Ethan Nordean will be sentenced on Friday. Enrique Tarrio, Top Proud Boy ring leader to be sentenced next Tuesday. Now will all be Proud Prison Inmates.

  4. RINO Kemp refuses to call special session to remove incompetent AG. He is using the argument about “overturning” 2020 election.

    2020 WAS OVERTURNED when Georgia and other states cheated on the counting of votes.
    If this is the way he governs, we might as well let Governor Stacy Abrams resume her duties since she thinks she won. At least she can assume her duties as president of earth.


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