Here’s How “President Hillary” Will Destroy Your Gun Rights Without Repealing The Second Amendment – IOTW Report

Here’s How “President Hillary” Will Destroy Your Gun Rights Without Repealing The Second Amendment


Hillary Clinton is running the first presidential campaign in the history of the United States based explicitly on the gutting of a core Constitutional and human right.

Clinton has made attacking the human right of self-defense a key part of her 2016 campaign, and if she’s elected—and down-ballot Democrats manage to take control of the Senate and/or House—she’s poised to be able to destroy the gun rights of American citizens in three distinct ways.

  • Place progressive, anti-gun justices on the Supreme Court
  • Pass bans on a wide range of common firearms
  • repeal the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA)


23 Comments on Here’s How “President Hillary” Will Destroy Your Gun Rights Without Repealing The Second Amendment

  1. If she gets her way, the only people who have guns will be the people who guard her psycho ass, and those people will be the ones who get sent to keep we the people in line, through the use of force (guns).

    Perhaps G Bobinski should spend a little time in a gun free nation, where he could spout his idiotic crap. Sooner or later, he will piss off the government, who will then come for him with their guns, then he will wish he had one. Douche.

  2. There’s no doubt at all that Dead-eye will continue the erosion of our right to self-defense, but please don’t forget that the 2nd Amendment is already largely dead letter. It is easily arguable that all fed govt firearm laws infringe on the right to keep and bear arms and are therefore unconstitutional. If you accept the standard interpretation of the 14th Amendment (granted that’s problematic) then all state firearms laws are likewise unconstitutional.

    Yes, it is essential to keep Dead-eye and like-minded citizen control zealots out of power, but it is also essential to unwind the extensive damage already done.

  3. Tony R

    Yeah, when Trump started gaining traction in the primaries, the trolls started coming iut from under their bridges.

    Even some here busted through their outer skin and revealed themselves as trolls. Like cicadas grow to their next stage.

    Is da penguin posting inder another name now? Him and Blind Fools sound the same with their “you guys are so stupid and I am SO smaht” crap, I think they are one and the same.

    Twin brothers at the least,

    Lame and ineffectually tiresome. If they were smart, they’d know they are only solidifying his supporters by showing what crazy is out there that needs defeating.

  4. “Why can’t she ban all ammo and all gun powder from civilian use.”

    They tried going down that path before. They would bankrupt military contractors that supply ammo to our war fighters.

  5. DH just now returned from our local gun store to look again at the Sig P938 that I want. While he was in there, a young couple was there browsing.

    The young man was walking around with his mouth literally open in wonderment and awe. Probably shock also.

    DH asked him what they were maybe looking to buy. The boy said no, he was just looking. He couldn’t buy anything.

    The girl was American, the boy was visiting from Denmark. She brought him in to see what a gun store looks like. He had never seen anything like the gun store before.

  6. Well I’m afraid America as we knew it is doomed, whether Cankles is elected or not. Certainly, electing this treacherous individual will hasten our demise.

    Will we go out with a whimper or a bang?
    I am not prepared to give up yet, and will vote from the rooftops if necessary.

  7. She is talking sh_t. It would take more than a wave of her flabby arm to make gun confiscation happen. I’d say within a year of losing this election in a humiliating landslide Hildabeast will be in some sanitarium babbling incoherantly and fingerpainting the walls with her own scat.

  8. They can only disarm the lazy.
    Building a niter bed is easy, and making nitro cellulous is not difficult either.
    The only difficult parts are the primers, so stock up on them and make sure you have some reasonably pure silver on hand.

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