Here’s How Santa Claus Came To Be – IOTW Report

Here’s How Santa Claus Came To Be

Daily Caller: Santa Claus may be a figure of myth, but the origins of his legend, stretching back from shopping malls to 3rd century Turkey, are very real.

The figure of Santa Claus has, in various forms, become ubiquitous throughout the world during the Christmas season and is, in fact, almost as old as the concept of celebrating Christmas. While his legend has taken on increasingly fantastical elements throughout the ages, from flying reindeer to to nearly divine omniscience, the truth about the man who began the legend and his example of generosity and care has also endured. Here is how the saintly acts of a 3rd century bishop gave rise to the legend of Santa we know today.

6 Comments on Here’s How Santa Claus Came To Be

  1. Back in the day, I used to give away free stuff, around the time of the Winter Solstice; lots of candy, money, helpful items for the home … I thought it was earlier than the third century, and I don’t recall much about Asia Minor, but I was travelling a heck of a lot back then … Helen Thomas backpacked most of my stuff for me … she sure was sturdy …

  2. Good Lord…I wasn’t actually Black..I just hung around Chimneys

    and had poor bathing habits..Plus the Frostbite and Alcoholism

    made My Feet turn Black.

    I don’t hear anybody calling Clinton

    “Black Hillary”

  3. St. Nick was also a Bad ass who wasn’t afraid to use a little “tough love” on heretics. Did a little jail time for it, but got his hat and staff back in the end. Too bad we don’t have a few bishops like him these days. We need them.

  4. My parents have always told us this story (or historical fact if you will). 🙂

    Oh and Merry Christmas to all of you here on iotw!
    I couldn’t find a topic with Christmas wishes in particular so I’m just posting it here.


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