Here’s How Tough Things Are for Conservative Journalists in California – IOTW Report

Here’s How Tough Things Are for Conservative Journalists in California

h/t Bob.


Just ask Gary Gileno — who faces jail time, a fine, and a criminal record merely for trying to keep local government accountable.

A longtime citizen journalist in the Golden State, a man named Gary Gileno, has been charged with a misdemeanor for inquiring about why he was not allowed to videotape a local public agency hearing — which, incidentally, is subject to the state’s open meeting laws, according to the legal brief filed in U.S. District Court for the Central District of California.

If convicted, Gileno faces up to 30 days in jail, a fine of up to $10,000, and a permanent criminal record.

Today — Friday, April 6 — William Becker, Gileno’s attorney and the president and CEO of Freedom X, a nonprofit law firm that supports conservative causes, will be arguing on behalf of Gileno in the U.S. District Court in downtown Los Angeles.

LifeZette reached out to Becker for insight and learned there’s more to Gileno’s case than meets the eye.

“Gary could have paid a small fine, and this would have been over with. But had he paid the fine, he would nevertheless have a permanent criminal record, which would affect his employment options, credit, borrowing ability, and professional licensing,” said Becker. read more

8 Comments on Here’s How Tough Things Are for Conservative Journalists in California

  1. the next Revolution has started … the first American Revolution started long before the shooting … this one, the shooting has already started, but we refuse to see, still not understanding that the State house organ of the Press is complicit in covering up for their side

    all Revolutions start before people realize it. they don’t want to face such a choice … it’s something they come to in time when they realize there is no choice but either further tyranny … or freedom to live their lives as they please.

    when the time comes, what will you choose?

    … better stock up ….

  2. No way this can stand, if it does we all are at risk for questioning all people in public office.
    The left has lost their minds and our going to start a war that they will lose.
    A book I read long ago talked about how people had enough and when the government took over all aspects of their lives the people rose up and killed all of the leaders and started a new country, I think it was called 1776.
    There could be a sequel coming soon.


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