Here’s How Trump Has Silently Gutted Obama’s Legacy – IOTW Report

Here’s How Trump Has Silently Gutted Obama’s Legacy

DC: President Donald Trump has surgically dismantled Obamacare over the course of his first year in office, largely under the noses of the American public, Democrats and members of his party that have spent the last nine months trying to upend the American health care system.

Over the course of his first nine months in office, he rolled back funding for a program intended to help individuals navigate the insurance marketplace, signed an executive order to allow for groups to purchase insurance across state lines and stopped federal funding for Obamacare subsidies.

Taken in tandem, it appears the administration is working to overhaul the American health care system without the help of Congress, a body that has failed a handful of times to repeal and replace Obamacare during the first months of Trump’s presidency.

Each of these actions has a significant impact on the viability of the current health care system.

Obamacare Subsidies

The Trump administration announced late Thursday evening that it will no longer fund a crucial feature of Obamacare that helps low-income Americans purchase health insurance on the Affordable Care Act state exchanges, known as cost-sharing reductions.

“The bailout of insurance companies through these unlawful payments is yet another example of how the previous administration abused taxpayer dollars and skirted the law to prop up a broken system,” the White House said in a statement. “Congress needs to repeal and replace the disastrous Obamacare law and provide real relief to the American people.”

Under the leadership of former Speaker John Boehner, the House filed suit against the Obama administration in 2014, claiming it was illegally reimbursing marketplace insurers for CSRs.

Obamacare subsidies were instituted to help low and moderate income individuals who participate in the exchanges. To make consumers put more “skin in the game,” Obamacare effectively raised deductibles to levels that are tough for many Americans to meet without some financial support.


13 Comments on Here’s How Trump Has Silently Gutted Obama’s Legacy

  1. Breaking News of the Day – October 14, 2067:

    Today “Congress”, a purely ceremonial body of former lawmakers, was officially disbanded by the current Administration as part of an ongoing effort to eliminate waste and inefficiency in government. Once relevant, Congress was gradually phased out in favor of lawmaking by executive order, beginning around the turn of the century with the now disgraced former President Obama (may Allah curse his name) and continuing to the present day.

    The executive order dissolving Congress was signed by President Ashur Dusmelbad, and will be effective immediately, pending review by Islamic scholars to ensure full compliance with Sharia Law.

    Allahu akbar!

  2. Mr. Trump to media: “Squirrel!”
    Media runs in circles: “Squirrel !Squirrel !Squirrel!”
    Mr. Trump gets something important done in the chaos, then says: “Look at that.”
    Media jams to a halt: “Wha-? Racist-sexist-islamophobic-that’s not who we are!”
    Mr. Trump to media: “Yes, but look, a Squirrel!”
    Media runs in circles: “Squirrel !Squirrel !Squirrel!”

  3. “Each of these actions has a significant impact on the viability of the current health care system.”

    ‘Current health care system’ ?! Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
    More like a barrel of fish in which the Insurance behemoths was speargunning!

  4. I was just thinking, if Bush had signed an executive order allowing health insurance to be purchased across states lines, and done a little something about limiting medical malpractice, we could have probably avoided all of this Dear Leader Obamacareless idiotic horseshit altogether.

  5. The Mighty Trumpster’s efforts are NOT designed to gut (silently or however) obama’s legacy. They are designed to correct our One Big Assed Mistake America. The legacy gutting is just a bonus….

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