Here’s Joe Biden’s Diabolical Campaign Strategy to Fix Disastrous National Media Appearances – Avoid Them – IOTW Report

Here’s Joe Biden’s Diabolical Campaign Strategy to Fix Disastrous National Media Appearances – Avoid Them


The Washington Post reports that Joe Biden’s team plans to do “an end-run around Trump as the president dominates the national stage.” Whoa. That sounds muscular. Amazing even. Great idea!

But WaPo‘s nose is growing. Pandemics that cause a depression do have a way of dominating the national media, but that’s not why Biden is making this decision. He’s also not doing an end-run around Trump, he’s doing an end-run around CNN and MSNBC. The hosts are making him look bad by asking him … questions. MORE

11 Comments on Here’s Joe Biden’s Diabolical Campaign Strategy to Fix Disastrous National Media Appearances – Avoid Them

  1. He ain’t gonna get the nod. The dem PTB aren’t anywhere as stupid as they’d have to be to allow this totally foreseeable train wreck to occur.

    Unless they’re so otherworldly diabolical and believe that the curb stomping President Trump will lay on him will generate millions of sympathy votes.

  2. “Pandemics that cause a depression do have a way of dominating the national media …

    More accurate would be saying “Pandemics that are being used to cause a depression”.

    The “pandemic” of coronavirus as a disease is in no way able to justify what is being done in its name. It’s a deliberate, and worldwide, move that has ulterior motives that are unconnected to the virus and its harm, but it provides a convenient excuse and cover for other political goals.

  3. @Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH B Woodman April 26, 2020 at 11:29 am

    …..until it’s time for the debates…..

    There aint gonna be any debates, not with quip pro Joe anyway.

  4. I’ve been considering that pelosi and shumer are nothing more than film-flam artists, similar to three card monte types. What they have done, repeatedly, is the old ‘pig in a poke’ routine. They sell something, but don’t let you know what it is that you are getting. ‘We have to pass it to find out what is in it.’ Hidden funding for pp and various arts groups, unrelated to the wuhan virus relief funding.
    The dnc is apparently adopting this tactic with filthy finger joey. And why not- people fall for it. Every time. They do it, then they lie. Every time.
    I wanna know what is in the bag.
    No more pig in the poke shit.
    We know it is a pig this time, but let us see it.


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