Here’s something else you can’t say, boys and girls – IOTW Report

Here’s something else you can’t say, boys and girls

EAG: CHARLOTTE, N.C. – Teachers and staff in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools should avoid words like “boys” and “girls” in favor of more gender neutral descriptors like “scholars” and “students,” according to district “guidelines.”

A district presentation titled “Supporting Transgender Students,” highlighted recently by WSOC, encourages school leaders to ditch gender-based activities whenever possible, and to “maintain only those that have clear and sound pedagogical purpose.”

The presentation uses “The Gender Unicorn” developed by the Trans Student Equality Resources to illustrate the difference between a transgender person’s “Gender Identity,” “Gender Expression/Presentation,” “Sex Assigned at Birth,” and how they’re “Sexually Attracted To” and “Romantically/Emotionally Attracted To” others.  MORE

35 Comments on Here’s something else you can’t say, boys and girls

  1. Come on you guys, this is out of control….


    That’s it boys and girls….

    Dang it

    Hello ladies and gentlemen….


    Somebody turn out the lights. It’s over.

  2. Nonsense graphics pretending to be scientific to the explain the inexplicable. A bunch of lines and labels that made no sense.

    Bottom line?

    I’ll call you whatever I like, but right now I’m leaning toward “wee wee obsessed weirdos”.

  3. If this is an exclusion issue, why not append the original wording?

    “Boys, girls, and other.”

    It seems to me that not calling people what they are creates gender confusion, a byproduct is a lack of leadership and pussification of society.

    “scholars” and “students” are the roles they take from their “leaders,” as an assignment. It isn’t who they are outside of this role (when not in school). Therefore, they are inadequately preparing the scholars and students for life beyond education, they are instead preparing them to always be submissive like a bunch of panzy pussy farts.

  4. What the hell is “Gender assigned at birth”? No one “assigns” you your gender. Your gender is determined by your chromosomes–either XX or XY. If you have a problem with your genetic makeup, I suggest the issue is mental, not physical.

  5. Our daughter’s school brought up “gender identity and the teacher asked anyone if they knew what it was, our daughter responded with “if you have a penis you are a boy, if you don’t you are a girl and if you have one and think you are a girl then you are nuts.”

    Mom smiled 🙂

  6. “Don’t forget that the dumbest people who barely squeeze into college go into either education or journalism!”

    And the ones dumber than that become Dem politicians?

  7. “It seems to me that not calling people what they are creates gender confusion, a byproduct is a lack of leadership and pussification of society.”

    I’m thinking the purpose is to create a deep-seated doubt about trusting what you see is reality. Makes you subservient to their deviant whims.

  8. I am going back to what words used to mean. Gay and homos should be called Queers. Gay means Happy.

    In fact as I sit here, I am getting a little “Gay” just thinking about it.

    And yes, I stole these thoughts from a page in the Memphis newspaper about 1976 or 1977.

  9. “When the fuck is that asteroid supposed to hit??”

    Maybe we need to send Bruce Willis up to the asteroid belt to re-direct one towards us.

    Manifest Destiny and all that, ya know. God only helps those who help themselves, right?

  10. One of my favorite Monty Python skits is The lethal joke except nowadays it probably wouldn’t kill the progtards because they wouldn’t get it. And The upper crust twit of year award still cracks me up as well. Maybe we could kill the progtards with a pointed stick or a banana or better yet a 16 ton weight dropped on their pointed heads.

  11. The only way to end this nonsense is throw lawsuits back on liberals for causing this crap. Of course it is a complete waste of the court time, but its the only way to end this. Liberal says “hey you”, that’s a lawsuit. The instant they misspeak and call your sir or ma’am, lawsuit.

    Scholar? That’s racist on the grounds more whites graduate school than minorities so it’s an obvious racist dog whistle. Student? A dog can be a student as they go to obedience school, so dog whistle you called me an animal. Regardless of excuse, you went out of your way to offend me with terms I find offensive.

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