Here’s The CA Republican Rep Who’s Reportedly A Dark-Horse Contender For Secretary Of State – IOTW Report

Here’s The CA Republican Rep Who’s Reportedly A Dark-Horse Contender For Secretary Of State

DailyCaller: California Rep. Dana Rohrabacher has emerged as a contender to serve as President-elect Donald Trump’s secretary of state, according to multiple reports.

Rohrabacher tweeted last week, “I have been told that I am under consideration to join President Trump’s team as Secretary of State.” He added, “it would be a privilege and an honor to serve as his Secretary of State.”

The Daily Mail reported on Tuesday that Rohrabacher “has emerged as a dark-horse candidate for secretary of state and The Washington Examiner on Saturday said Rohrabacher is now a front-runner for the position.

The Washington Examiner reported that Mitt Romney’s prospects for the position have faded recently and that Rohrabacher at secretary of state and former ambassador to the UN John Bolton serving as deputy secretary of state is an “emerging ‘consensus package.’”


11 Comments on Here’s The CA Republican Rep Who’s Reportedly A Dark-Horse Contender For Secretary Of State

  1. Well, he sounds good on paper. And being a one time speech writer for St Ronaldus is a +1. But being from Kalifornication is somewhat of a spoiler for me. Like calling Ahnold a Republican, ya’know’wad’I’mean?

    I’m sure Trump knows what he’s doing, but I’d like to see what Trump is seeing in the guy.

  2. Caliph-ornia is probably like most blue states. A few deep blue areas dominate the working part of the state.

    I just know much about rohrbacher but he’s probably solid. But Bad Brad makes a good point. They can’t afford to cede anymore territory at the congressional level.

  3. In 2004 he joined in with Barney Frank, and Conyers and others in a hearing before the Senate Comm on the Judiciary to ask that an amendment be made *To Open The Presidency To Naturalized Americans.* Yes, you read that right. They banded together to try and have the “natural-born Citizen” requirement in Article 2 of the U.S. Constitution amended so that anyone born anywhere could be considered eligible to the Presidency. The Equal Opportunity To Govern Amendment. One World Order.

  4. GrandeMe – He was probably trying to help Ahhhhnold Schwartzenegger go beyond gov of CA.
    Thank goodness if failed because we would have ended up with a muslim presiden…ohhhhhh that’s right.

  5. MJA- These pushes for the amendment to Art 2 began back in the 1970s. There have been more than a dozen. In most, the Senators and Rep sponsors state that it is a *requirement* for a U.S. President to be born IN the US. So, without going into the weeds on this – which would be all too easy for me to wind up doing, it is absolutely known to our elected officials that one MUST be born in the US. They want it to be all “fair” though, so that naturalized and adopted naturalized persons don’t feel like “others” and not as though they are not “real” American citizens because they are excluded from the Presidency by accident of birth outside of the continental US. Mitt Romneys dad really was the first serious candidate who was likely not eligible. It was part of the reason he dropped – but you won’t find that in any modern narrative. OK, I will stop now – but it is a topic that I am well studied in.

    Art 2 natural-born requirement is our last single protection from New World Order. I feel very strongly about it.

  6. As far as I am concerned, naturalized citizens are just that and are accepted guests with the citizens privileges as designated in the US Constitution. (US Constitution=Law of the Land)

  7. I don’t think it’s that hard to pick a sec state, how difficult of a job is it?

    1) do what Trump tells you to do
    2) don’t barf on any foreign heads of state
    3) whatever HRC did, do the opposite

    Boom, that’s about it, right?

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