Here’s the profane password Hunter Biden reportedly used for laptop – IOTW Report

Here’s the profane password Hunter Biden reportedly used for laptop

NYP: Hunter Biden used a profoundly profane password to protect one of his laptop computers, according to the repairman at the center of the scandal over the first son’s emails.

In “American Injustice: My Battle to Expose the Truth,” John Paul Mac Isaac details the day in April 2019 when Biden, reeking of booze, allegedly stumbled into his Wilmington, Del., shop shortly before closing time.

Biden carried three MacBook Pro computers and said, “I need the data recovered off these, but they all have liquid damage and won’t turn on,” Mac Isaac wrote in the book, according to an excerpt obtained by The Post.

One, a 15-inch model, “was a complete write-off” but another “was in slightly better shape” although “the keyboard was unresponsive,” Mac Isaac wrote.

“I pulled out an external keyboard and asked for permission to log in. Hunter started laughing,” Mac Isaac recalls.

“‘My password is f–ked up. Don’t be offended!’ he said.” go see

18 Comments on Here’s the profane password Hunter Biden reportedly used for laptop

  1. “I need the data recovered off these, but they all have liquid damage and won’t turn on,”

    …cum, or coke drool, or booze, or all three.

    Pedo the Younger did it all.

  2. Remember, kids, Humper is the smartest and classiest undeceased son that Dementia Joey has ever known. Fifty-one former heads of Intelligence Agencies agree that this isn’t an example of Classic Russian Disinformation, this is pure, unadulterated, Indisputably Classic Joe Obiden Bama Information.

  3. In an interview with CBS News last year, Biden — who’s acknowledged struggling with drug and alcohol addictions — said he “really” didn’t know if the laptop left at Mac Isaac’s shop was his. “Certainly, there could be a laptop out there that was stolen from me,” he said. “It could be that I was hacked, it could be that it was Russian intelligence. It could be that it was stolen from me.”

    Except that none of it is true and you know it.

  4. …in fairness, I once made a downtime spreadsheet for my own purposes that somehow got to the attention of upper management, and an executive VP called me in to ask about it. He liked it but wanted to change some stuff himself, so he asked me the password because I had locked it.

    I was kind of mad when I created it because I basically made it out of self-defense (Production was blaming downtime on machines when it wasn’t true just ’cause they could, so I had to give credit where credit was due myself), so I password locked it while still mad.

    I was a LOT younger then, and figured it was just for me, so I chose poorly.

    But I created it on Company time and equipment, so I had to give it up.

    “What’s the password?” he asked.

    In a smallish voice, not because I wanted to, but because I HAD to, I said, “Bite Me”.

    He shot me a look and said, “ExCUSE ME?!?” in a tone that suggested that *I* was the one gonna need some ‘scusing.

    “Bite Me, Sir. The password…is Bite Me”, I replied, trying to decide if I could get my tools in the trunk of my Saturn I had just bought on credit, that I’d be giving back once this guy got done firing me.

    He processed it for a minute, then realized I wasn’t insulting him, then he started laughing instead, and I got to keep my job, for better or worse.

    But I definitely learned a lesson about passwords that day, and Bite Me and his cousins were retired forever.

  5. “Biden then reportedly revealed the password was “‘analf–k69’”

    ““It took only a few files before I noticed pornography appearing in the right column,” Mac Isaac wrote. This is a vocational hazard; I’d gotten rather used to and gave it no mind. I was a little amazed by the sheer quantity though, and by the boldness of leaving porn files on one’s desktop.”
    …sure hope he dealt with this “vocational hazard” by putting on some PPE, and hosing down with alcohol afterwards, Bidens are a pretty scungy crew…

  6. “I was a little amazed by the sheer quantity though, and by the boldness of leaving porn files on one’s desktop.”

    ..but no Asian, eh, Hunter?

    I wonder if Hunter was bored with Asian women because the Chinese provided him with terrified child sex slaves as a family punishment from the Party and he was too drunk to force them like Dad does, or well-worn sex slaves that had already been passed through the People’s Liberation Army and are as loose and brain dead as AOC at 4 AM after her bar closed, and that’s why he didn’t like them?

    Probably the Chinese gave him diseased whores too as a joke.

    And the joke turned out to be on US when they gave us the diseased whore in the White House pretending to be President.

  7. Without one single piece of Evidence and zero witnesses, the MSM boldly declared President Trump of collusion with Rissia. With millions of pages of porn , plus witnesses, Biden’s son is innocent. And the MSM declares themselves. unbiased.

  8. From the Post article, Mac Isaac is legally blind …. then how did he know that there were tons of porn on the computer? Just from the sounds/voices?

    What is going on ??

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