Here’s What The Lead Roger Stone Juror Wrote In Her Jury Questionnaire – IOTW Report

Here’s What The Lead Roger Stone Juror Wrote In Her Jury Questionnaire

Daily Caller

“Fox News keeps pushing excuses for Trump Jr.’s collusion with Russia that are just really, really bad,” reads a tweet she reposted on July 14, 2017.

During her voie dire interview, Hart said that her political views would “absolutely not” influence her opinion about Stone at trial, and that she “didn’t pay that close” attention the Russia investigation. – MORE @ Daily Caller

7 Comments on Here’s What The Lead Roger Stone Juror Wrote In Her Jury Questionnaire

  1. I can only imagine the turds that will be floating around in whatever grand jury Durham might impanel. No wonder McCabe walked; Barr had no hope of getting a jury to convict him of anything.

    Prediction: Barr will not even be able to indict the pathetic scapegoats Somma and Clinesmith.

  2. Another example of very bad representation by defendant’s council, who could have easily (right there during voir dire) looked up her social media accounts and asked her direct questions about the answers on her questionnaire! Lazy.

    I read (don’t know if it’s true) that there were at least three other anti-Trump jurors who had more than a passing interest in getting Stone. The names and former positions read like a who’s who of anti-Trump sentiment. It was as though they were specifically chosen for jury duty for that trial, in the same way Mueller hand-picked his “investigation” team of lawyers. And with the judge being openly anti-Trump, you’d think this would be a no-brainer for retrial.

  3. Most empaneled jurists can’t identify the president on the twenty dollar bill, tell you the difference between the first and forth amendments, or why we have an electoral college. They don’t know the difference between crimes against property (bullshit) and crimes against persons. They have never been taught to see past the emotional content of a court presentation and the facts of a case.

    These are the people sitting in judgement of what the government tells them in a courtroom you did wrong. No wonder they fuck up so much.


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