Here’s What Warnock Said When He Praised Farrakhan Back in 2013 – IOTW Report

Here’s What Warnock Said When He Praised Farrakhan Back in 2013


Back in 2013, Georgia senatorial candidate Rev. Raphael Warnock praised Louis Farrakhan, the anti-Semitic leader of the Nation of Islam. His response came after a member of the church asked about the role the Nation of Islam has on the Black community and whether the “Black church” was having the same attendance issues that “mainstream white church and synagogues” were having.

Although the Nation of Islam has a large Black population, Warnock said their attendance is far smaller than churches and synagogues.

“Its voice has been important even for the development of Black theology because it was the Black Muslims who challenged Black preachers and said, ‘You’re promulgating … the White man’s religion. That’s a slave religion. You’re telling people to focus on Heaven; meanwhile, they’re catching hell,'” Warnock explained. “We’ve needed the witness of the Nation of Islam, in a real sense, to put a fire under us and keep us honest about the meaning of the proclamation coming from our pulpits.” read more

3 Comments on Here’s What Warnock Said When He Praised Farrakhan Back in 2013

  1. Wrongknock is an affirmative action idiot.
    That worm Oss-me-off looks like Petey B.
    Screwy Louie & Rev.Wright are domestic terrorists.
    Hoochie Mama skank leg Harris may be your prez next year…

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