Conservative Treehouse:
This stuff is really so silly, and lawfare is so entirely predictable, it is difficult for me to remain serious when discussing it. This is also why serious litigation expert Eric Dublier was so funny in his Concord case briefings against DOJ and their insufferable Lawfare efforts.
CNN gets a leak of audio from Special Prosecutor Jack Smith, presumably presenting audio of President Trump talking in Bedminster, New Jersey, about the background of Joint Chiefs Chairman Mark Milley lying about Trump wanting to invade Iran. [VIDEO HERE] Essentially, Trump refutes Milley and has papers to back up his side of the story.

CNN claims this audio will be the “Central Focus” of the case against President Trump, that eventually “all jurors in the case will hear.” At this point, my laughter is almost unbearable for a multitude of reasons. Remember, this is a Lawfare operation, which is constructed for one primary purpose, influencing the public.
Putting aside the fact that CNN and the entire media apparatus already reporting on this nonsense before and putting aside the ridiculous nature of the top-line claims, the audio proves nothing. It is the sound of President Trump talking about presidential papers that are claimed by the DOJ to be “classified” or “secret.” Except, beyond the absurdity, there’s a problem that explains why Jack Smith gave CNN the audio.
Despite the grand pontifications and breathless pearl-clutching by the CNN narrative engineers, the audio will NEVER be used at trial, if there is even a trial – which is highly unlikely, because it cannot be admitted into evidence. That’s why Jack Smith gave it to them. The audio is useless, except for the value in promoting the lawfare narrative engineering effort. more

Once again we see the CNN lies traveling halfway around the world while the Truth is struggling to get its shoes on!
Aaaaaannnnnd that’s the goal!!!
Fuck Joe Biden!
Somebody named “Dutchman” posted this on the comments to the linked article. I copied it in its entirety. It is on target.
“ It is also valuable, when looking at the actions of your opponent, to ask;
WHAT is the purpose, what is the goal?
As Sundance makes clear, it is NOT to “put PDJT in prison”, it is NOT to get a conviction, as the case has NO legal merit, “its a joke of a case.”
So, they are trying the case “In the Court of Public Opinion”.
And the goal?
To CHANGE public opinion ABOUT PDJT.
WHO’s opinion are they trying to chsnge, by this rediculous spectacle?
Are they working on the TDS infected, CNN addicted purple haired, nosering wearing 30+ year old that let out a primal scream on election night 2016?
No, they already believe PDJT is a agent of Putin, and are going to vote D.
How sbout the pearl clutching, cucumber sandwich eating Country Club Republican who was devastated to hear Liz wouldn’t be running, and thinks Pence is a great man?
No, they are ready to vote for anybody but Trump, whichever body the RNC picks.
This whole rediculous charade is a command performance for,…..you.
The MAGA voter. Its called “Voter suppression” and yes it IS Election Interfence.
Its no different than the influencers flooding the comments sections of this and other sights, posting comments to discourage us from voting at all (they’ll just steal it, again) or thinking about a plan “B” (yeah, but what if,…shouldn’t we?) or “how about Vivek/RFK?”
ANYTHING to try to dilute or diminish OUR support for PDJT.
SEE their pitiful effort for just what it is, laugh at their impotence, yes point with one hand, about 3 feet above their shoes, put your other hand over your mouth, and laugh your ass off.
Then with a look of amused sympathy, a shake of your head,..walk away.
“Oh, Smith has EIGHTY FOUR witnesses against PDJT! WOW, he must have a great case, with 84 witnesses,…right?”
“Yeah, but who are they, and what are they going to testify to?”
“Oh, you can’t know THAT, cause “Classified” dontcha know..but it must be bad!”
Smith asked the Judge to put the names of his witnesses “under seal” AND bar PDJT and his lawyers from talking to the witnesses.
Its not enough to ignore Brady, like they did with Gen. Flynn, now they are trying to ignore Discovery, and that whole “confronting your accusers” thing.
Judge told him to pond sand.
Since Smith is putting on this show, JUST FOR YOU, and you are paying for it …might as well be entertained.”
This cannot end well. Much like a corrupt magistrate at any witch trial, the outcome is always the same: death, or in this case, the death of his political career. If Trump survives the dunking chair, he will be burned at the stake. It is the unfortunate price for allowing the DOJ to become infested with leftist vermin.
The Trump quote cited by CT sounds like Trump is speaking sarcastically and hypothetically about the way that the derp state suppresses evidence against them through @classification” and “ national security” concerns.
It doesn’t sound at all like real and specific documents are being discussed. It sounds nothing like, Biden’s blurt, “I sold a lot of state secrets, a lot of very important things”, which we are told was only a joke. haha.
The deep state, like the rest of the left, has no sense of humor, yet somehow, they become the arbiters of what is funny or not for the rest of us.
^^^ “And the goal?
To CHANGE public opinion ABOUT PDJT.”
In days of yore it was ‘sully his reputation’
and we get to pay for it
Hmm, could it be, would it be & there you have it, a real whistleblower with proof. What in tarnation, but but we got proof, somewhere, someplace….yells to the back room, hurry up we needs more claims, quick!
Adam Schiff pulled that “I have proof of Russian Collusion” bullshit.
Dem/Media M.O.
Trump2024 or BUST!