Here’s why people think the questions were FIXED at the Democrat Townhall – IOTW Report

Here’s why people think the questions were FIXED at the Democrat Townhall

BFH UPDATE- Brett Rosengren, the questioner, says that audience members submitted questions for the candidates. On his card he indicated that the question could be for either candidate. His question was “which past president most inspires you?”

So before he asked his question he remarked about the potential humor of it by saying, “I can see why they chose this question for you.”

So there was a weird moment at the Democrat Townhall forum tonight where a kid asked a question that he kinda screwed up and then tossed in an odd observation.

Check it out @ TRS

9 Comments on Here’s why people think the questions were FIXED at the Democrat Townhall

  1. It’s just how DemocRats role with Totalitarian control and ginned up pretzel logic to push their agenda. There’s nothing new about lying to everyone on a daily basis. It’s just old fashioned Communism with a softer sounding name: Progressivism! After all, how else are they going to be able to deliver that Marxist utopia that will mandate everything “good” for you where someone can always be found guilty of something. Using kids for propaganda reasons is sanctioned by the fact that it’s all for the common good!

  2. it’s not just the democrats and democrat party lying to you!
    it’s the msm that’s lying to you!
    they are presenting this “town hall debate” as an unscripted event.
    it’s nothing but a political add.

    why anyone would believe any news read on the msm broadcasts is beyond me. they are all consummate liars just like hillary is.

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