Here’s Your Coronavirus Reality Check – IOTW Report

Here’s Your Coronavirus Reality Check


John and Ken are tired of everything COVID-19 has caused. They’ve said it for months.

The real threat coronavirus brings to America is the fear that’s been enlisted on Americans.

We’ve tried to tell you.

But finally. We found it.

This letter by R.R. Reno.

Read it.

We beg of you.

It’s everything we’ve tried to tell you.

“Data are coming in, and their import is clear. The coronavirus pandemic is not and never was a threat to society. COVID-19 poses a danger to the elderly and the medically compromised. Otherwise, for most who present symptoms, it can be nasty and persistent, but is not life-threatening. A majority of those infected do not notice that they have the disease. Coronavirus presents us with a medical challenge, not a crisis. The crisis has been of our own making.

On March 16, Neil Ferguson of Imperial College London predicted a coronavirus death toll of more than two million in the United States alone. He arrived at this number by assuming that infection would be nearly universal and the fatality rate would be high—a terrifying prospect. The next day, Stanford epidemiologist John Ioannidis sifted through the data and predicted less widespread infection and a fatality rate of between 0.05 and 1.0 percent—not that different from the common flu. The coronavirus is not the common flu. It has different characteristics, afflicting the old more than the young, men more than women. Nevertheless, all data trends since mid-March show that Ferguson was fantastically wrong and Ioannidis was largely right about its mortal threat.

But Ferguson’s narrative has triumphed, helped by our incontinent and irresponsible media. A young doctor in Wuhan died—COVID-19 must be dangerous and deadly for everybody. Hospitals in Italy are overwhelmed—we are witnessing a pandemic of epic proportions. China succeeded with draconian methods of mass quarantine—these must be our only hope of protection against the coming disaster.

By the end of March, most of the United States had been locked down. Tens of millions of Americans have lost their jobs. More than $6 trillion has been spent to save society from complete collapse. Relentless warnings have whipped the populace into frenzies of fear. All of this to contain a disease that, as far as we can tell at this point, is not significantly more fatal than the flu. Moreover, given how rapidly the coronavirus spreads, it seems likely that the radical and untested method of lockdown does little to control it. read more

10 Comments on Here’s Your Coronavirus Reality Check

  1. Sustaining the coronavirus narrative will require many lies. It will be up to us to insist on the truth.

    I get heavily downvoted in lefty forums when I reference facts that are in this article. On top of that I get ridiculed as being the stupidest person alive. They have no facts, it’s a constant “your attitude is what kills people.” It’s unbelievable how these idiots so willingly follow their elected leader like it’s gospel.

    Meanwhile it’s these same people who insist that “no person is illegal,” but then willingly accept the government to call them “non-essential.” They want better treatment for illegals than themselves. Sorry, fools, but if you have a job doing anything that pays the bills and puts food on your family’s table without relying on the government you are nothing but essential. The government has made us non-essential by taking everything away that was essential to us. And these fools accept it with no pushback. These are sad days for America.

  2. I get into a lot of arguments on FB groups with people while trying to spread facts. It would be nice to say they were all lefties, but the truth is when you go to their personal pages, about half are Republicans and the majority of those are Trump supporters. Trust me we have a lot of idiots that are supposed to be on our side and even worse most of them are over 50 idiots, those who should have some common sense. They refuse to look at the statistics, even using the padded government death numbers.

    Some of the things I’ve been told by those supposedly on our side:
    You go out and just by breathing you are making people sick, you’re putting this virus in the air where it remains for 3 days or more. Yet, you refuse to educate yourself and stick your foot in your mouth.

    You are making up numbers. 75% of those exposed catch the virus, 50% of those are hospitalized, 25% die. People are dying and you’re spreading fake news saying the death rate is comparable to the flu and are going to kill people.

    Why can’t you people just listen to our President and Governor and stay home or wear a mask? Why must you lie about how dangerous it is, if you don’t care about yourself, at least be a good person and care about others.

    Then there are those who disagree with protests, especially park protests. Some of those who profess all over their personal page they are Republican, conservative and Trump supporters. If you looked at their personal pages, you would think they were like minded people, posts against Pelosi, 2nd amendment posts, etc. They say these people arrested deserve to be arrested because they were breaking the law. The Constitution doesn’t give you the right to break local laws. The law now says stay out of public parks, so stay out of public parks. The law says no more than 10 so stop gathering in groups of more than 10 protesting and just help stop this virus. Probably a good 25% of these people cheered on the NJ teacher telling the kids she hoped they died and went on to say their parents deserved to die as well for allowing their kids to leave the house.

    So my eyes have been opened and when/if you hear that shot around the world you’re going to have to also fight those you thought were on your side.

    It also explains why more often than not we get the most liberal Republican in primary elections and liberal Republicans keep getting reelected. We have a lot of Republicans who think they’re conservative, but they’re just as easily misled as democrats and they really don’t have a clue what the Constitution says outside of the 2nd amendment.

  3. “What caught my attention was Dr. Mikovits mentioned that Coronavirus …. ”

    Lately I’ve been wondering, just wondering since there will never be the information made available to answer it, how many of the seriously infected and (especially) dead have had the flu shot and how many have not.

    Is there a correlation, positive or negative, to be seen there or or is there no relationship at all to be found?


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