Here’s your smoking gun, Democrats. Enjoy! – IOTW Report

Here’s your smoking gun, Democrats. Enjoy!

Patriot Retort:

Okay, I just read the transcript of the phone call between President Trump and the Ukraine President.  And ignore the talking heads in the media who are telling you it’s a smoking gun.

It isn’t a smoking gun.

It isn’t even a sputtering fart.

The only way this phone call could be a smoking gun is if the gun looked like this:

Raheem Kassam has the transcript HERE.  Don’t take my word for it.  And, whatever you do, don’t take the word of any of those idiots on cable news. Read the transcript for yourself.

Compared to the letter Democrat Senators Leahy, Menendez and Durbin sent to Ukraine Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko back in 2018, President Trump’s call with President Zelensky last July is less than nothing.

Those guy actually threatened to withhold aid to Ukraine if Lutsenko did not cooperate with the Mueller Investigation. Trump didn’t say a single word about any quid-pro-quo. Not one word. It’s always the case, isn’t it?

15 Comments on Here’s your smoking gun, Democrats. Enjoy!

  1. No Pogo,
    This is not why the progressives are always so full of chit! They are always full of chit because they want total control over your life!
    “The first stage in the corruption of morals is the banishment of truth …”
    Michel de Montaigne

  2. When your drowning in your own lies you tend to struggle about and panic. How many times have the democrats, the perfect example, gone under now???? Safety tip, when your in over your head, don’t open your big mouth.

  3. how many times does Lucy have to yank the football away before the Charlie Brown progtards get that they’re being conned?

    evidently, … never

    can’t wait until next November when they land on their collective asses again … the massive wailing could create a new salt lake

  4. Trump is good for healthy, heritage Americans.


    Schiff, Nadler, Schumer, Rosenstein, Cohen, Feinstein all try to take him down because they HATE heritage America and want to end America. Hmmm…I wonder if that group has any common thread. Why, it’s almost like they want to destroy the world’s most influential Christian nation. Hmm…

  5. Nutty Nancy could drop dead any minute. She’s so ARROGANT, crazy, and delusional she’s not even thinking about asking the Good Lord for spiritual guidance at the finishing line. Pelosi is doubling down with Satan. Where the hell is her family? Hell-o?

  6. Imagine the look on Satan’s face when Nancy arrives and sez:
    “I”m here from the government. I’m here to help”

    “Go to the end of the “D” line Bitch. I got too many volunteers for that as it is! “

  7. The Dems have been saying since Trump was inaugurated that they had evidence of his crimes to impeach him.

    If that is the case, then why are they saying, “Aha! We now have something that will allow us to proceed with impeachment.” I thought they said they had it all along.


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