Herman Cain: Help the world’s poor: Shut down the Clinton Foundation – IOTW Report

Herman Cain: Help the world’s poor: Shut down the Clinton Foundation

Free up the money to go to charities who actually do what they say they do.

Whenever the Clintons find their corruption exposed, you can always count on their cronies taking to the nation’s talk shows and making, er, creative arguments in their defense.

That has never been more true than this past week, when we learned that Hillary’s State Department basically operated as the shakedown wing of the Clinton Foundation. More than half of all the non-governmental parties who got meetings with Hillary during her time at State were major Clinton Foundation donors, and e-mails released by Judicial Watch demonstrated how the Clinton Foundation’s Doug Band operated in concert with Hillary crony Huma Abedin at State to make sure Foundation donors were taken care of by the government.

In short, the Clinton Foundation is a gigantic cash-grabbing racket disguised as a charity. The more we learn about it, the more honest people clamor for the Foundation to be shut down. That, as you might expect, has inspired a novel response from the professional dissemblers of ClintonWorld: The Clinton Foundation helps the world’s poor! If you want to shut it down, you must want to hurt the poor!

That’s a classic Democrat argument if there ever was one. If you want to get rid of our corrupt, ineffective, money-sucking program, you must hate the poor, minorities, women, the sick, or whoever. They usually offer it in defense of wasteful government programs, the implication being that if the wasteful government program went away, there would be no one to help whomever it is supposed to help.  More

6 Comments on Herman Cain: Help the world’s poor: Shut down the Clinton Foundation

  1. There are Colombian Cartel crimelords signing up to take lessons from the Grifter-In-Chief Slick Willie and Cankles the Queen of the Damned. The sooner they are removed the better for the world.

  2. It doesn’t help the poor, it rips them off. They ripped off money that was supposed to be going to Haiti. Haiti. It takes a true evil and greedy bastard to rip off Haiti. These people rip off anyone they can, they would steal money from their brothers and sisters and parents if they could get away with it.

  3. For the sake of humanity, it should all be donated to IOTWReport. I’m still going with Fur et al being human. Super ones at that.

    Not like it would stop any of us from ragging on the Saza-frazzin’ whores they are, though. We gotta have our fun too.

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