Heroes To Get California Parade – IOTW Report

Heroes To Get California Parade

OANN- SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) – Three young men who disarmed a gunman on a high-speed train bound for Paris will get a heroes’ welcome in their hometown in California, the mayor of Sacramento said on Monday.

“Big news!” Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson tweeted. “We are throwing a parade for our 3 hometown heroes!” He used the hashtag “#SacramentoProud.”

The state capital will strike up the bands for student Anthony Sadler, 22, Spencer Stone, a 23-year-old U.S. airman, and National Guardsman Alek Skarlatos, 22. The men grew up in the Sacramento area, attended middle and high school together and have remained friends. more


12 Comments on Heroes To Get California Parade

  1. I hate liberals. They have made it so bad that instead of just being happy that they are doing this for these heroes, I go immediately cynical.

    I hope everyone cheers and feels so patriotic that they forget PC for the day.

  2. Kevin Johnson is a member of horrid group known as MAIG (Mayors Against Illegal Guns) and is thus against our Second Amendment rights and clearly unAmerican.

    They should ask him if they had been armed with say their M9s, would it have been okay for them to have shot the terrorist? They got lucky and I’m sure they would have preferred to have been armed.

    So yes, they are heroes and the mayor is a zero.

  3. I expect the parade will dwindle down to homo pride and trans freaks, they show up at every public event. Heh! black lives matter, and hands up don’t shoot will certainly be there. Oh Anthony, the irony.

  4. These young men, two of whom are military, showed bravery in the face of danger, aided by an internal “profiling” that saved their and everyone else on that train. It pisses me off to see ultra liberal politicians falling all over themselves to get next to these guys. All these heroes virtues are the exact opposite of what the left represents. Remember, the ones on that train most typical of the left were the RR employees who ran and hid. And the terrorist.

  5. Okay, I’m going to be unpopular here with what I am going to say. Yes, these 3 guys did something for their fellow human beings. I think they did what any decent human being would do. Either act or get shot. However, do we continually have to hear this every frickn’ 5 minutes on any given news channel what heroes these guys were? They’ve been honored by the country that they protected. But now we’ve got the mayor and sheriff of Sacramento who want a piece of that heroism by giving these guys a parade. Enough! They even set up a gofundme to pay for the frickn’ parade! Just let these guys get back to their business and it’s life as usual.

    /end of rant

  6. Yes, overblown and sensationalized already. Where’s the media and all this exposure for our warriors kicking butt in Afghanistan and sending many a jihadists to the deepest pits in hell? What about MSGT. P. McKenna, who on 8/8/15 lost his life to hostile action in that hell-hole? Oh well, it is what it is and thanks GF for pointing it out.

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