Herschel Walker: ‘It hurt my soul to hear’ people call Trump ‘racist’ – IOTW Report

Herschel Walker: ‘It hurt my soul to hear’ people call Trump ‘racist’

Washington Examiner: Heisman Trophy winner Herschel Walker said during the Republican National Convention that the “worst” name people could call President Trump is “racist.”

“It hurt my soul to hear the terrible names that people called Donald,” Walker said during his remarks at the Republican convention on Monday evening. “The worst one is racist. I take it as a personal insult that people would think I’ve had a 37-year friendship with a racist. People that think that don’t know what they’re talking about. Growing up in the Deep South, I’ve seen racism up close. I know what it is. And it isn’t Donald Trump.” more

6 Comments on Herschel Walker: ‘It hurt my soul to hear’ people call Trump ‘racist’

  1. Herschel Walker’s former high school team QB was a freshman on my hall in the dorm at UGA my sophomore year. He told us what was coming. He said, “Y’all got to see this guy play. He’s going here next year, pretty sure.” So we piled in the car and drove to Wrightsville to see future number 34 play his last high school football game in 1979, winning the state championship for Johnson County.

    I was also at the Sugar Bowl in New Orleans to see him win the National Championship for UGA in 1981. Never been a football fan, but I was lucky enough to witness greatness twice. God bless this remarkable man. He is a legend here in Georgia.

  2. One reason Herschel never fell for the siren song of anti-racism is that he was treated like sh*t as a child by his afro-American peers, because he was a fatty as a child. And the abuse was so severe, he says it caused him to develop a multiple personality disorder. He also said he had so much anger inside that some of his personalities were capable of killing someone

    So he’s one black that understands that whitey is not the source of all evil … which allowed him to shake off all the degenerate rap culture crap that leftist scum foisted on blacks and be a decent human being

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