He’s a BIG Kid Now! – IOTW Report

He’s a BIG Kid Now!

“He showed me his plate.”

18 Comments on He’s a BIG Kid Now!

  1. That Indian guy needs training. No mention of pudding, ice cream, reading with Dr. Mommy, his afternoon nap or favorite TV show. The country requires full accountability of Imbecile.

  2. Skills for Joe to remember every morning, in the form of a simple song that he can remember and sing to himself.

    This is the way put on our pants, put on our pants, put on our pants

    This is the way we tie our shoes, tie our shoes, tie our shoes

    This is the way we eat our cereal, eat our cereal, eat our cereal

    This is the way we take a pee, take a pee, take a pee

    This is the way we take a breath, take a breath, take a breath

    This is the way we walk to school, walk to school, walk to school, this is the way we walk to school so early in the morning.

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  4. @aircubed

    When Pete Butticheeks heard the Pope issued a dictum about something to do with meat, he arranged a private interview with Pope Francis (The Talking Mule).

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