He’s Bad! – IOTW Report

He’s Bad!

Eric Holder says Ralph Northam is a ‘good very decent man.’ Except for when he’s not:

Eric Holder: Northam Should Resign, National Conversation Needed About ‘Racist Symbols’.


Ted Lieu (D-CA) came up with this after he finished two bowls of Alpha Bits:

Ted Lieu: Ralph Northam ‘Lying’ When Claiming Yearbook Mix-Up.



northam yearbook screenshot


Ralph Northam: ‘I Don’t Know’ Why Friends Called Me ‘Coonman’.

He never thought to ask, either.


26 Comments on He’s Bad!

  1. The KKK was started by the Demonrats.
    Larry Parks, who played Al Jolson in the movie, was a communist.
    Bobby Byrd, a Demonrat from West Virginia, was a “Grand Pooh-Bah” of the KKK.
    Woody Wilson, Demonrat President of the Untied States, was a known racist and socialist.

    Ergo – ipso facto – Northam must resign.

    I think he colluded with Russia, too. The cotton in the sheets he used to make his KKK kostume came from Egypt, which was then under the boot-heel of Nasser, a client of the Soviet Union.
    Need more proof?
    When he was 5 he disparaged “fags” and “niggers” (his words).
    Oh, and he once smirked during an Obola speech!

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I’ve said many times that he’s henry lee lucas’ brother, but since finding out that he is 25yrs younger than he appears to be, I now proffer that he may be lucas’ spawn. Lucas was prowling the east Virginia area in the period prior to the birth of the “coonman” in ’59.
    The squirellyness of our “coonman” is absurdly similar to lucas’ many questionable “confessions” of prolific activity.

  3. I know none of the feckless GOPers ever bothered to check Northam’s yearbook. Or Gillespie’s, for that matter. Which is understandable, given that yearbook mining was in its infancy back in 2017. But are these same GOPers busy war-gaming possible outcomes of a Northam resignation? Are there other yearbooks which now need to be checked?

  4. And now Hillary has thrown her bottle of hot sauce at Northam. Kind of makes me want to see him stick around for awhile so the Dems can whine that he is not who they are.

  5. I really can’t imagine being a liberal and going through life being completely inauthentic and just assuming I’ll either not get caught or my cohorts and media will all come to my defense while I walk around smuggly and accuse others of my own behavior/viewpoints. Explains some of that anger and resentment and need to kick dust in everyone’s face day.

  6. “Ted Lieu (D-CA) came up with this after he finished two bowls of Alpha Bits: (T E D)”

    ….he’s a CA Democrat. “TED” has three letters. Seems unlikely he’d know what it spelled…

  7. Northam’s a “good Leftist” is what Holder’s endorsement was meant to convey. Followed by a complicated handshake and a “we cool, bro”.

    Virginia is their new firewall. They elected Terry MacAuliffe ffs.

    I don’t care how he gets got.

  8. Is now a good time to point out just how rayciss was LBJ ?!
    That’ll have those Black Caucus nigras howling for the whole week!!!

  9. This crap needs to stop.
    He should be removed from office for his stand on infanticide alone.
    His blackface is a distraction from the left to virtue signal how ideologically pure they are. And to shoo in the Lieutenant Governor who is of the correct race and disposition.
    Remove his ass from office for being a ghoulish deviant with no respect for life, the 10th and the 4th amendments.
    Everything else is distraction.

  10. “We need a national conversation on…”
    No, YOU need a conversation. Speak for yourself. I never donned blackface or a Klan outfit, so direct this “conversation” to racist Democrats and the liberals who enable them.

  11. Have a disproportionate number of blacks died under the Dr.’s care? Black babies more than white?
    Did he ever wear his plaid pants to the Hospital, or ER?
    How many times, and where has he moonwalked while grabbing his penis?


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