He’s Half The Man He Used To Be – IOTW Report

He’s Half The Man He Used To Be

h/t joe6pak

Breitbart: Polk County, Florida, Sheriff Grady Judd intimated that deputies shot alleged arsonist Luke Neely in the penis as he tried to flee following pursuit.

WESH2 reports that the Polk County Sheriff’s Office received a call about an arson at 8:11 a.m. Deputies from the sheriff’s office were soon in pursuit of 30-year-old Luke Neely, who was driving a pickup truck.

The deputies’ first Precision Immobilization Technique (PIT) maneuver on Neely failed and he continued fleeing, but crashed to a stop during the a second PIT attempt.

Deputies fired at Neely following the second PIT maneuver, hitting Neely with three rounds. more

26 Comments on He’s Half The Man He Used To Be

  1. They obviously were listening to Brandon Biteme’s instruction to shoot to the leg or arm…and perhaps some remedial work at the range may narrow the miss down a bit.
    Another Darwin Award winner…

  2. No arsonist was ever a man in the first place, so a penis was just a vestigial appendege that satan used to mock this motherfucker with his own inadequacy.

    Burn the rest of it off with a weed torch, then throw this pansy cocksucker in with the biggest, most odorific Bubba in the cell block so SOMEONE will get some use out of him by ass raping him to death.

    Fuck arsonists.

    Fuck them till their asses are ripped apart.

    Then let them bleed out while drowning in a puddle of syphilliptic semen.

  3. Brad has a son who was a wildland firefighter, so I understand him, and God bless and protect that young man and all he served with who man the fire lines still.

    Because fire is indiscriminate and anyone who looses it intentionally is an attempted mass murderer whether they intend it or not.

    …I was in a house or two in my time that was deliberately set on fire as well. Idiots do multiple sets like we can’t figure out all the places the fire came from, and use flammable liquids that even after a fire dogs can detect and that will leach back out later anyhow, leaving no doubt that it was on purpose AND how it was done. Some of ’em even get bold and try to act like part of the crowd watching the fire and start asking questions to judge their effectiveness and also because they get off on it, then they can’t figure out why they got roughly shoved into a cruiser later. Sometimes they miscalculate how their clothes get permeated by flammable liquids and get a taste of their own medicine, and when they show up in the hospital later with clothes smelling like gasoline somehow think we won’t connect those dots. There’s a bunch of other stuff I won’t get into here, but assuming you can find a prosecutor who will prosecute, it ain’t hard to catch an arsonist and make it stick.

    Morons. Evil idiots. In a word, Democrats.

    They never charge them enough for the potential their crime has.

    Such fires are dangerous to fight because they don’t behave predictably, and there may be sets that didn’t go off as planned but might go off in your face later. Arsonists are attempted murderers in my book, not only of the immediate target but of anyone who tries to HELP the immediate target as well.

    This is one place one Democrat got it right.

    “I have conferred with the superintendent of police this morning and I gave him the following instructions, which I thought were instructions on the night of the fifth that were not carried out. I said to him very emphatically and very definitely that [he should issue an order] immediately and under his signature to shoot to kill any arsonist or anyone with a Molotov cocktail in his hand in Chicago because they’re potential murderers, and to issue a police order to shoot to maim or cripple any arsonists and looters–arsonists to kill and looters to maim and detain.”
    -Richard J. Daley, Mayor of Chicago, 1968


    …guy forfeited his right to live by setting shit on fire in my book. Should have kept shooting until the threat was ended forever.

  4. A close second to firebugs is the Cartel Drug Growers. They boobie trap the hell out of things. Including hanging thin wire fishing hooks with clear monofilament right at eye level. Funny guys. If a crew runs into a grow standing orders are back out, let it burn, wait for Law Enforcement.

  5. DAMN SNS,
    Tell us how you REALLY feel. Don’t hold back, it’s not good for your mental and physical health.
    But I’m with ya. Arsonists, rapists, looters, groomers & pedos – should all have immediate summary execution when caught in the act. Reduce the recidivism rate, ya know?

  6. Hey Brad. My company was escorted by local police out to an area up in NorCal a few years ago.
    The sheriff told us they used to go after the growers and try to shut them down. But they kept sending their best men and NEVER seeing them again.
    I’m sure you’re aware of the hundreds of caves up in the hills. These growers are violent and brutal. No hippie happy stuff here. It meant millions of dollars to these cartels and they’ll kill anybody trying to quash it.
    The sheriff said they would ambush the cop, tie him up in his own police cruiser, run the car deep into a cave and then dynamite the cave with no possible way of excavation.
    The department grew sick of losing their best men so they left it. Too dangerous. Even air surveillance will be shot at.

  7. woody

    They ambushed and killed one of our Sheriffs two years ago. They were charged with the minimum sentence. Forty years. I’m sure they’ll be out early. All illegals. our Sheriff was smoking pissed. He mentioned some of these illegals may not make it to court. El Dorado National Forest is a big ass place.


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