He’s not an evil monster, they just portray him as one on TV – IOTW Report

He’s not an evil monster, they just portray him as one on TV

Patriot Retort: The news media has decided its job is create an image of Donald Trump as an evil, mouth-breathing monster.

Fortunately for them, Hollywood, popular culture and many far-Left advocacy groups are more than happy to lend a hand.

But when Americans actually come face-to-face with the man, they discover he isn’t the evil monster the media portray him as.

In fact, Donald Trump, the man, bears little resemblance to the character the media created.

And when Americans are able to see the man without the spiteful filter of the news media, they discover the truth.


He isn’t an evil monster; the media just portrays him that way.

Yesterday, President and Mrs. Trump returned to Texas.

And many folks who only knew the media-created Trump Monster finally met the real Donald Trump.

15 Comments on He’s not an evil monster, they just portray him as one on TV

  1. At an anniversary party yesterday an old lefty codger I know approached me to say goodbye as they were about to leave. He shook my hand, turned to leave, then stopped and asked quietly, “Are you still backing Trump?” He and I had never before discussed Trump, so I immediately knew some other “friend” had told him about my support of the President.

    I didn’t hesitate. “Yes absolutely, I support President Trump.” His face soured, he muttered “Bah” and turned to leave. My closing shot was “Everyone hates him, so he must be doing things right.”

    I’m just curious as to who will replace Trump in January 2025.

  2. On the flip side, the MSM and Hollywood work hard to present the most black-hearted bastards who have graced the American political stage as kind and caring. Ted Kennedy killed an innocent woman and was lionized by the left. The Clintons were grifters with few equals. Elizabeth Warren rode a fake native American claim to Harvard and political life. Obama would have used the Constitution as toilet paper if he could have for all the respect he had for our system of government.

    We are returning to 1960s leftist utopia under these jerkwads. BLM, antifa and other violent leftist groups get a free pass. Blacks and minorities are no better off, and in many instances worse off than they were prior to 1963. We have knowingly let terrorists into this country. White middle America is under direct attack for no reason other than being white middle America.

    Hollywood movie receipts are down this year, and the major leftist “news” networks are taking a beating in terms of credibility and ratings. Keep it up.

  3. You cannot counter a human wave of greed and lust and plain old wickedness.

    Clinton (either one) or Obama (either one) could have sodomized a collie on the Oval Office rug live during the State of the Union and the media would have gushed about “layered nuance.” That is who we are dealing with, and they reproduce themselves constantly via academia and media.

    We – those who think like us – are not reproducing at a commensurate rate because we lack the resources they have. Short of literal warfare, we will not withstand them in the long run.

  4. I liked him when I voted for him because he stood up to all the people that needed standing up to. But after reading the accounts from Texas and viewing the videos, I am beginning to LOVE this man. You can’t fake the genuine warmth and concern he shows for Americans who are suffering. So happy he is our President.

  5. Trump will be just like Reagan.
    Everybody hates him in his time, but let a few decades go by and he is the litmus test for all things conservative.
    After the coming collapse, civil war, and possible God’s judgement on America for allowing 60 million unborn Americans to be slaughtered in the womb (I am thinking of Yellowstone), America will pine for the old days of Trump, when things actually got done.

  6. Ronnie was ALWAYS popular eith the people. Which is why he is the only President to win 48 or more states TWICE! Ronnie did it 2 times!

    If he were not very popular that never would have happened.

    He was popular because he was honest!
    Medicare budget of $0 (zero) all 8 years! Education budget of $0, (null) each of 8 years! An honest President! Not seen since!

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