FOX: Obama library’s public cost estimated at $175M.
The planned Obama Presidential Center in Chicago is being privately funded, but on Friday city officials estimated how much taxpayers will pay for roadwork and other construction around the center: $175 million.
It was the first time city officials put a specific dollar figure on the expected cost to the public, the Chicago Tribune reported.
“These proposed investments are intended to make the (center) and surrounding Jackson Park a world-class destination on par with Chicago’s Museum Campus,” the city’s Department of Transportation (CDOT) told the newspaper, in a statement accompanying the figures.
The planned taxpayer-funded work would include widening portions of some surrounding streets and constructing four or five new underpasses, the report said.
City officials said they intended to pursue “all potential options” for the project, including allocations from the state of Illinois.
The information was made public ahead of a scheduled meeting Tuesday, at which representatives from the Obama Foundation, a nonprofit leading the center’s construction, is expected to detail its plans, the report said. READ MORE
Obama isn’t building that. Somebody else is making that happen. Somebody else is building those roads and bridges. It’s one of the things we do together, like the Golden Gate Bridge. Like the Hoover dam.
I’m going to be uncharacteristically blunt.
If you’ve got even five minutes a day between now and the mid term elections to volunteer for either your own fed/state reps or those of another state, DO IT.
If we have any hope of all of burying the Left we’ve got to hold on to the congress. And just like every other election, the Left is already working on their ace-up-their-sleeve, election fraud. So that means we need every vote we can squeeze out of our friends and neighbors — and their friends and neighbors.
Whatever it is we think we’re doing to win the mid terms, we’ve got to do more that results in votes for our side.
Some day, if we stay resolute, the only thing left of obama’s legacy will be a Wikipedia entry and an expensive building no one can remember what it is.
Any city which would allow that traitor’s “library” to be built in it deserves everything bad that can happen.
Fuck em.
A pox on Chicago … oops! too late!
Maybe the rat-people will pony up the $175 Million? Nah – the stupid taxpayers are gonna take it up the ass, again.
izlamo delenda est …
It’s like the $.03 piece of… “art”… that goes for $50 million. Talk about retail MARK-UP!
Or, being sold a, “bill of goods”…
The best part is: He’s out of office!
I live in Illinois and don’t want one dam nickel going to build this narcissistic jack ass anything
He nearly destroyed this country and has set back race
Relations because of his hatred for whites.
He did nothing in his years in office to help Black people in Chicago or anywhere else
The money should be used to go in and clean up those neighborhoods so the innocent people who live there can live in safety
Is there not another place this crap could be built, like in one of the many abandoned buildings in that hell hole.
That there is one damned expensive outhouse.
They should build that piece of shit in Kenya.
“Investments”? That word actually has a financial meaning. So, how exactly, are the investments going to generate more income for the investors? Oh, and I do mean, exactly. What is the plan (that is the only way they are investments) to extract more money from the consumers, than is put into the investments?
350 million and still no books
This is my prediction, in ten years that place is going to be an abandoned gutted graffiti covered urine stinking dump.
I’ll give anyone ten to one odds on that.
Kevin R.,
Sucker bet.
izlamo delenda est …
Kevin R. I second your prediction. With the amount of time it takes to build anything these days where government is involved, Chicago will be bankrupt before it’s done. Hopefully I will have either moved or died before the ribbon cutting. …and in Jackson Park???!!! That’s on the south side. Not one of our better neighborhoods.
They can’t just dedicate a bathroom, at a freeway rest stop, to Obama? Parking lot is already paved. It would be overkill but would save a lot of money.