‘He’s Poison To Prosecutors’: CNN Legal Analyst Breaks Down How Kenneth Chesebro Could Tank Fani Willis’ Case – IOTW Report

‘He’s Poison To Prosecutors’: CNN Legal Analyst Breaks Down How Kenneth Chesebro Could Tank Fani Willis’ Case

Daily Caller: ‘He’s Poison To Prosecutors’: CNN Legal Analyst Breaks Down How Kenneth Chesebro Could Tank Fani Willis’ Case.

Chesebro recently told Michigan investigators that there was a December 2020 meeting where he allegedly briefed Trump about a fake electors plan, CNN reported citing audio it obtained of said meeting between Chesebro and investigators.

“Taking into account this new reporting, what does this do? What is the impact on Donald Trump?” host Erica Hill asked.

“Kenneth Chesebro is a mixed bag for prosecutors and I guess, therefore, for Donald Trump. And mixed bags aren’t great when you’re a prosecutor and you bear the burden of proving your case not by 51% but beyond a reasonable doubt to a unanimous jury. Here’s why — Chesebro has clearly been valuable to prosecutors because he’s giving them details…It gives life to the allegations. How exactly did these ballots make their way from Minnesota or Wisconsin to Washington, D.C.? That’s important for prosecutors to know. It gives them leads,” Honig said. MORE

7 Comments on ‘He’s Poison To Prosecutors’: CNN Legal Analyst Breaks Down How Kenneth Chesebro Could Tank Fani Willis’ Case

  1. Fani Willis is a monkey with a machine gun: She has ni idea what she’s doing with it, but she’ll wreak some havoc anyway. Here’s hoping the damed thing jams or she shoots herself in the gunt.

  2. It’s not like the law, or even the outcome, matters. This is just lawfare, designed to harass, defame, and ultimately bankrupt President Trump (ask Mike Lindell and General Flynn how THAT works), so they get what they want even WITHOUT an obviously corrupt and compromised “Get Trump” judge throwing everything their way. If they get a fraudulent “conviction”, great, but ruining the man is the REAL point, either way he’s out of the way and a naked threat to anyone ELSE that may be contemplating following in his footsteps.

    They aren’t trying to only destroy President Trump. They mean to destroy the IDEA of President Trump. And I’d say they’ve made it pretty darn near IMPOSSIBLE for anyone who is NOT a billionaire with teams of lawyers to even CONSIDER the possibility of office if they are not corrupt and compliant with those who are already there…

  3. When most all lawyers are deceitful brazen douchebags, nobody wins. There needs to be SERIOUS costs to those who game Justice. Serious consequences that are meted out rapidly and very publicly.

  4. ANON

    Who will extract your “serious consequences”? Other lawyers! Did GWB’s Lerner even get tried for Illegal disclosures on Conservatives! i mean conservatives. She disclosed info on conservative Dem as well as Rep. No liberal super PACs were harrassed by Bush’s girl. Coincidence? hardly!

    It was made very clear over 60 years ago that judges are bigots. Which is why the demented “Whizzer White” -To be fair to dim wit “Wizzer”; my folks told me he was bright in the 30’s; banged his head too many times being a great American footballer!
    Wizzer’s far left rulings set the stage for the left – LED BY “BUSH REPUBLICANS” (7) commanded by “Snarlin” I hate Ronny! Arlen to BORK Bork 25 years later.

    Laws, like marginmal tax rates* – are tools to deceive the hoi polloi.

    * Were marginal rates important to real folk both Gates and Buffet would have each paid. over $5billion in taxes last year! In fact neither paid over $500 million! Ronny , as i, had a degree on Econ and understood this well. His tax reforms killed many “middle class tax cuts” thereby raising taxes greatly on leftist “elites” like the leftist Kochs!


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