Hey Andrewwwwwwwww – IOTW Report

Hey Andrewwwwwwwww

Bronx Tina got out of bed to deliver this on Cuomo.

*Spicy language warning.

16 Comments on Hey Andrewwwwwwwww

  1. @Charlie WalksonWater

    What’s the matter…Nobody ‘cusses’ in South Dakota????

    You have a ‘fucking problem’ with BRONX…folksy types, huh??

    Whatsamatterforyou?! We have our own language ya know… :>)


    I worked with someone JUST like (tone) her MINUS the ‘cusswords’…which also add…pepper…or garlic in Tinas case…to a conversation sometimes. But she retired…

    Oh… and I remember the Vinny the Chin story…VERY well.

    I told @BFH to do a IOTWr mash up…


    And btw….Cuomo looks like any other BUM walking around Albany right now these daze…like a homeless guy with a drink in his hand…trust me…I know my Capital city very well.

    Enjoy the evening bro!

  2. I love her, she is great. She tells it like it is, as she should. She sounds like everyone I know. People make fun of my whole family because we have a strong Bronx accent. But we don’t curse like she does. Ok, maybe my mother but we were never allowed to curse. She has bigger cuillons (in Italian – coglioni) then most people I know, too. Give her credit where credit is due! Harsh language comes with the territory sometimes. She’s a badass!

    God Bless us all!!

  3. @ – Charlie WalksonWater

    “…wow. I hit a nerve, and I wasn’t even aiming…”

    Yeah, Chuck a BRONX nerve…that had nerve enough to drive to SD… ;>)

    Just imagine if ya DID aim??


  4. She’s not afraid to spit in the direction of the Cuomo clan. Brave woman. Great sense of humor.
    Her “Family” must be powerful. Maybe, not so much reformed, but conservative. They probably hate the Cuomos. Who can blame them.

  5. They are sacrificing Cuomo to distract and entertain the peons for a few weeks, as they continue the destruction of the U.S.A.

    People keep falling for the distraction crap, instead of going out and hanging lots of wicked people from lamp posts.


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