Hey, AT&T, Flagrant Racism and Sexism Are ‘Not OK’ – IOTW Report

Hey, AT&T, Flagrant Racism and Sexism Are ‘Not OK’

American Thinker-

By Jack Cashill

One of the several downsides in watching too much football this past weekend was watching too many TV commercials. And although I had grown used to the “stupid white man” trope, now a staple of comic advertising, I was unprepared for AT&T’s impressively racist and sexist “Just OK is not OK” campaign.

The larger message of the campaign is that “when it comes to wireless networks, just OK is not OK.” According to some dubious test, AT&T is allegedly “America’s best network.” To launch this concept, AT&T and its marketing geniuses at the Omnicom Group designed a series of scenarios in which an incompetent white professional or service worker offers his services to a wary customer of color.

A cavalier white male surgeon tells a patient he “just got reinstated… well not officially.” The Hispanic-appearing male who is about to be operated on and his wife react nervously to the surgeon’s proven ineptitude. Lena Waithe, a black lesbian (natch), provides the voiceover, announcing, “Just OK is not OK especially when it comes to your network.” As a stand-alone, this ad is actually pretty amusing. It’s the only one that is.

A goofy-looking white male carnival worker responds to a black mother who asks if the Ferris wheel she is about to ride with her son is safe. “I assembled it myself last night,” he tells her. “I think I did an OK job.” The son then asks, “What if something bad happens?” Says the carnival worker, “We just move to another town.” And yes, Lena tells us, “Just OK is not OK.”

The heavy-set, bald and bearded white male car mechanic responds to a young black man who asks if his shop is good with brakes. “We’re okay,” says the mechanic. “Just okay?” asks the black man. “We have a saying around here,” says the mechanic. “If the brakes don’t stop it. Something will.” Says the customer, “That’s not a real saying.” Says the mechanic, “It is around here. I wrote it.”

The bearded white male interpreter tells his Japanese client that his Dutch is “OK.” Says the Japanese executive, “Just OK?” The interpreter then proceeds to make a comic botch of the Japanese man’s comments to his Dutch trading partners. read more

9 Comments on Hey, AT&T, Flagrant Racism and Sexism Are ‘Not OK’

  1. Saw two Tom Steyer and and one Bloomie Ad Yesterday while watching

    Football at a Neighbors House..I was the only Person in the Room

    Who knew Who They were….I didn’t bother filling anybody in.

  2. It would appear that they decided, and rightly so, that white men are too smart to use their inferior service so they are advertising to the dumber cohorts of society!

  3. Can you imagine the caterwauling from the race-hustling poverty-pimp industry at a mention of an incompetent negro doctor in a commercial?

    Can’t bring up Affirmative Action lawyers and politicians like Eric Holder and Cory Booger, either.

    izlamo delenda est …


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