Hey Dumbasses – If Trump Was a Bigot Or An Islamophobe, The Woman Wouldn’t Have Gotten INTO the Rally – IOTW Report

Hey Dumbasses – If Trump Was a Bigot Or An Islamophobe, The Woman Wouldn’t Have Gotten INTO the Rally

She was only kicked out because she DISRUPTED the rally.

Can’t you see the difference?

No. No you can’t.


About Mr.Pinko 686 Articles
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7 Comments on Hey Dumbasses – If Trump Was a Bigot Or An Islamophobe, The Woman Wouldn’t Have Gotten INTO the Rally

  1. And don’t forget, if the Press tries to ask a toughie, the SS* shuts them up. If an average person – no make that an “average person” – asks a question, they’ve got to be pre-approved, vetted, have their DNA taken and be fitted with a shock collar, just in case they deviate from the Party Line.

    *Secret Service

  2. And even if they were kept out in the first place, who cares? Presumably the event was taking place in space rented by the campaign. Ergo, DJT is entitled to decide who can attend.

    This has happened before. It reminds me of a house sale that my mother had in 1994, when she was downsizing from a seven-room house to a four-room apartment. Two black kids, maybe about ten years old, showed up, and my mother wouldn’t let them in the door. “There’s nothing for sale that would interest a young man,” she told them, which was true–it was linens and lamps and stuff.

    Damned if the little bastards didn’t call the police! The cop had quite a time explaining to them that it was a PRIVATE event in a PRIVATE setting, and my mother was hardly breaking any law by exercising control over the “guest list.”

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