Hey, Hillary- Canada knows why you lost – IOTW Report

Hey, Hillary- Canada knows why you lost


Canadian Report Explains Why Clinton Lost 2016 Election

A report prepared by the Canadian Embassy in Washington, D.C. attempted to explain the shock of Hillary Clinton’s loss to Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election. It contended that Clinton under-performed among minority voters and led a fundamentally flawed campaign.

The document was obtained by Postmedia this week through an access to information request. The document gives an interesting look into how surprised Canadian officials — north and south of the border — were at Clinton’s loss and Donald Trump’s victory.

Embassy staffers prepared the report for David MacNaughton, Canada’s ambassador to the United States, and the department of global affairs, sending it on Nov. 11 in the wake of Trump’s stunning upset.

Canadian media — like a lot of U.S. media — demonstrated blatant bias in favor of Clinton. Just a week before the election, the liberal Toronto Star ran a headline that read “It’s not even close,” suggesting Clinton would run away with the presidency.  read more

14 Comments on Hey, Hillary- Canada knows why you lost

  1. The United States shares a long common border with Canada, both nations were founded primarily by Europeans, and we kind of share a common language, but the United States is not Canada. Canadians have as much trouble as American progressives in understanding why Hillary lost. If Canadians want to understand this recent election, suffice to say that we aren’t ready for a Justin Trudeau – if we elect a political novice, we’ll go for a badass like Trump instead.

  2. @Wyatt; a lot of Canadians fully understand why Trump won and Clinton lost. These are the people that voted for Conservatives in the last election even though Trudeau the Younger was revealed time and time again as an idiot. The ones that didn’t understand are mostly the bureaucrats and the liberal politicians as well as the zombie liberal voters which, I’m sorry to say, includes most of my family.

  3. Forget all of her historical political baggage and long time enemies for a moment. And I know that’s asking a lot.

    What if she were new to the political scene like Trump was?

    Her campaign slogan was terrible to start with.

    I’m With Her.

    It basically summoned members to a cult of personality, of which she has none. In order to participate in or benefit from a Clinton presidency you had to “be with her”. Trump’s message was about making America great again. It was about the country and its citizens.

    There are many more reasons she lost, but this is no time for a doctoral thesis.

    Just the slogan was off putting.

  4. I believe that way deep down, H-Rod and her campaign and supporters really do know why she lost. It’s just that they can’t deal with it. Heck, they can’t even think about it without the cognitive dissonance vibrating their heads hard enough to make their eyes bleed.

  5. Meanwhile, the ever-stupid, snail-eating surrender monkeys elected their own pretty boy president today. The only thing worse than a french man is a french man from Canada.

  6. Tony R – my sentiments exactly.

    Canada is not America lite…It is a colony of France with a few renegades who ain’t got the balls collectively to do any thing about it. They want their free stuff, too.

  7. @Tonyr, .45.70; Try to remember fellows that even after 8 years of Obama, whatever number of years as a Senator, the deluge of leaks along with the all the emails that proved she was a crook, back-stabber, narcissist and everything else Americans almost elected her. So, .45-70 did you have the balls to do anything about her when she looked like a shoe in?

  8. @45-70; As well as I and a lot of fellow Canadians did as well so please remember that as well as we had a conservative government for 12 years before Trudeau, longer then Obama and about half the time as Bush who may have been a good wartime leader but too much the rino on domestic issues. Never forget there are a lot of conservatives up here fighting hard against a Liberal Party that uses every dirty trick in the book to get into and remain in power and we will never surrender to them.

  9. The shock wasn’t that she lost, it was how the hell did she lose when the libs rigged everything to the max. How could the crooks have lost? They paid their money, called in their bribes, stacked the decks, rigged the voters, blackmailed everyone they could and still they couldn’t push that dead-on-its-legs-nag across the finish line.

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