Hey Hillary: Remember that Peaceful Transfer of Power thing? – IOTW Report

Hey Hillary: Remember that Peaceful Transfer of Power thing?

PatriotRetort: Hey, Hillary. Every single day this week, I’ve gone to your Twitter feed to see if you denounced the violence occurring in the cities that voted overwhelmingly for you.


Let me just say I’m stunned that you have yet to call for an end to these socialist riots done in your name.

Maybe I’m misremembering.

But I’m fairly certain you were the one who carped endlessly about the peaceful transfer of power and respecting the democratic process.

In the final debate, Chris Wallace asked President-Elect Trump if he would accept the results of the election.

Trump’s answer?

“What I’m saying is that I will tell you at the time. I’ll keep you in suspense. Okay?”

You were horrified!


10 Comments on Hey Hillary: Remember that Peaceful Transfer of Power thing?

  1. The riots are in cities. Liberals live in cities. These same liberals will have to pay for the damage in the form of higher taxes. That’s less money going for liberal political causes. Fuck them. They can cook in their own juices.

  2. Give her some space. Give her some time to come to grips with her epic failure. She probably needs at least 26 hours to answer that 3:00 AM telephone call. That’s twice as long as she sat on her arse while four Americans died in Benghazi. But, then again, she’s not really feeling very decisive these days without Carlos Danger’s wife by her side. And Billyboyo is off to see the Terminator, before he gets back to tending to the pressing affairs over at the Clinton Global Enrichment Foundation. And Chelsea is working on that Congress thingy. A woman without a campaign is a terrible beauty.

  3. Hillary and Barry via Soros are behind the riots. And the move to bribe/extort the delegates to the electoral college. This election demonstrates EXACTLY why the founding fathers created the electoral college; to prevent the large cities from running rough-shod over the rest of the country.

  4. Evil Bitch is a violent anti-American, anti-democratic communist to her very core. She and the evil DNC and their communist media flying monkeys care not a whit about the will of the people, or democratic process. They are 100% about their power and their money, and they lie cheat and steal constantly to increase their power and smash the face of the everyday American citizen under the heel of their jackboot. They all belong behind bars for life.

  5. Just as Trump set up to expose the pledge takers (who wouldn’t uphold the pledge), he did the same thing to the democrats. Trump went out and said he might not accept the results if he didn’t win (we all know they cheat, with dead people and illegal voting). Hillary and her cohorts were out with sappy videos of we must come together as a country. Now look, where are they? Not pulling the country together. The press is telling Trump to pull the country together. They are exposed. Genius.

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