Hey, Senator McCain- Remember That Time When You… – IOTW Report

Hey, Senator McCain- Remember That Time When You…

Flashback: John McCain Labeled 2008 Sexual Misconduct Accusations a ‘Smear’.

WJ: Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain called on Roy Moore to exit Alabama’s U.S. Senate race the very day The Washington Post published its story alleging the candidate engaged in sexual misconduct in the late 1970s.

However, McCain sang a different tune during his 2008 presidential when the senator faced his own accusations of sexual misconduct with a lobbyist 30 years his junior.

McCain was among the very first so called “establishment Republicans” to rush to judgment about the allegations against Moore, characterizing them as “disqualifying” and declaring that the candidate should “immediately step aside and allow the people of Alabama to elect a candidate they can be proud of.”

The Times’ story also suggested his staff was concerned the relationship with Iseman had turned romantic, given the amount of time the two were spending together. The lobbyist has a strong resemblance to McCain’s wife Cindy.


Iseman was in her early 30s when the relationship began in the late 1990s, and McCain was in his early 60s. Both McCain and Iseman denied any affair.

McCain began a romantic relationship with Cindy while he was still married to his first wife Carol, according to FactCheck.org. A month after divorcing Carol, he married Cindy, when she was 25 and he was 43.

John McCain and Carol Shepp


Cindy Hensley and John McCain married in 1980

The severity of the allegations against McCain regarding Iseman were clear. He was potentially using his position in government to do favors for someone, who was at least his friend. At worst, she was his mistress and the senator was engaging in public corruption.

Clearly these allegations would be “disqualifying” not just for any seeking the highest office in the land, but for serving in the senate — if true.

The U.K. Telegraph reported at the time in a piece titled “John McCain sex claim hits US election” that “the revelations about Mr. McCain are unlikely to prevent him wrapping up his party’s nomination in the next few weeks, but could affect his standing against his Democratic opponent.”

The Iseman accusations likely hit too close to home for McCain. The senator had been listed among the “Keating Five” senators, who allegedly engaged in public corruption in support of lobbyist Charles Keating in the late 1980s.

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15 Comments on Hey, Senator McCain- Remember That Time When You…

  1. Funny how that works, isn’t it?

    They really think that no one will drag up their filthy linen?

    All victims, all the time.
    Poor McCain – so “smeared” – poor HRC – so “oppressed” by a “politicized DOJ” – poor Franken – so … what? … so much a lying fukkin hypocrite caught in his own dragnet of hypocrisy?

    Anybody still believe there’s no swamp? Anybody still believe it doesn’t need to be drained? There are no incorruptibles in DC – everyone succumbs if he stays. Do your best and then get the fuck out. Go back to fleecing widows and orphans. Go back to back-alley abortions. Go back to selling drugs to kindergärtners. Go back to eating poor chillens. Go back to raping toddlers.

    Just go back – for all the good you have done – BEGONE!

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “Outdoor John” McCain always has a certain air about him. if you are clever enough, you have some air freshener handy!

    He may hear the footsteps of the Grim Reaper drawing closer and closer!

  3. Why do they all forget the internet has released a swarm of lie/hypocrisy detectors?
    It’s like a hornet that files in your helmet, stings you 6 times before you can stop the bike.

  4. If this works against Judge Moore, it will be used against every candidate disliked by the Demo(n)crats, RINOs and #NeverTrumpsters. We will never again be able to vote for a good candidate.

    If the Demo(n)crats win the House and Senate this midterm election, they WILL impeach Trump (without any evidence) and kick him out of office. The Republican Party will be destroyed, and the Demo(n)crats will make the USA just like Venezuela or Zimbabwe.

  5. Really a shame that lefty Bob Dole went against Ronnie on the “Keating 5”. Had he done what Ronnie wanted nobody would know who The Manchurian candidate is or was. Alan Cranston?

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