Hezbollah: Our Weapons and Rockets All Come From Iran – IOTW Report

Hezbollah: Our Weapons and Rockets All Come From Iran

Thanks to 0bama, it will continue.

The Tower: Hezbollah’s leader said on Friday that the Lebanese terrorist organization will not be harmed by U.S. sanctions since it is funded and armed directly by Iran, Agence France-Presse reported.

“We are open about the fact that Hezbollah’s budget, its income, its expenses, everything it eats and drinks, its weapons and rockets, are from the Islamic Republic of Iran,” said Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, who insisted that the Lebanese terrorist organization “will not be affected” by the recently imposed sanctions.

“As long as Iran has money, we have money… Just as we receive the rockets that we use to threaten Israel, we are receiving our money. No law will prevent us from receiving it,” he added.  more here

4 Comments on Hezbollah: Our Weapons and Rockets All Come From Iran

  1. hezbollah has over 65,000! rockets and every fucking one of them is pointed at Israel. And you bet your ass that civilian causalities aren’t a concern to them when they start shooting them off.

    If I was Bebe, I’d get the top mullah on the downlow and tell him that when those hezbollah rockets start flying into Israeli schools and hospitals, that Israeli missiles are going to be flying into Tehran. And the snowflakes can kiss my ass.

    I’d also scrape every fucking hamas and hezbollah scum off the face off the earth-why in the world they’re playing defense(for the most part) is a mystery to me.

  2. Every Senator that voted for the Coker bill should be shot for treason.

    Obama should be shot for treason.

    Any CEO that put the monetary well being of their personal pockets above the global security (Iran getting nukes is only good for allah-monkeys who are drunk on the notion of their 72 virgins that await them) should be shot for crimes against humanity.

    When Obama made his speech about the this is the moment that the Ocean level begin to lower and that this is the moment the earth began to heal he neglected to tell his audience that the cure was Iran giving the world a nuclear enema.

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