HHS secretary: Over 1 million monkeypox vaccines are ‘in hand’ with ‘several more million’ on way – IOTW Report

HHS secretary: Over 1 million monkeypox vaccines are ‘in hand’ with ‘several more million’ on way


Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra told Just the News that the U.S. has over 1 million monkeypox vaccines “in hand” with “several more million” on the way.

According to NBC News, the U.S. government didn’t order additional monkeypox “vaccine doses to add to its stockpile until June, even though the virus started spreading in May.” This resulted in a vaccine shortage as the monkeypox outbreak worsened. 

During an interview at the White House on Wednesday, Becerra was asked for a status update on monkeypox vaccine distribution after President Biden declared it a national emergency. 

FDA Commissioner Robert Califf “gave us the great news,” Becerra said, “that safely and effectively we can take those doses of vaccine that we have, over a million in hand, and several million more on the way, and we can actually, working with our local health authority partners, increase that fivefold, for those vaccines.” More

30 Comments on HHS secretary: Over 1 million monkeypox vaccines are ‘in hand’ with ‘several more million’ on way

  1. Several million monkeypox jabs on the way? What a crock of shit! Shut down the gay bathhouse’s! No more pride festivals! Somehow convince the fudgepackers to keep their dick in their pants. Quarantine and lockdown gays. We just went through 2 1/2 years of bullshit over a cold, and now these gays are getting a hands off treatment. WTF is wrong with this picture?

  2. So, is this what life is going to be like from now on? Rotating viruses with their corresponding vaccines touted by the government?

    How can anyone not find this odd?!?

  3. I have an even better treatment then a monkeypox vaccine it’s called don’t fuck another dude in the ass. How about you try that. Wtf is wrong with these sodomites ?? It’s a rhetorical question yes I know.

  4. A million doses will be enough for San Francisco, but what about the rest of the country? Oh, that’s right, we’re not supposed to mention they’re butt pirates. Big secret – wink wink.

  5. Save the vaccines for the people who aren’t ass-bandits. Apparently ass-bandits paw regular humans on occasion, usually children.

    The only way to cure the pox in ass-bandits is to strike off the head, fill the mouth with garlic, and stake through the heart at a crossroads.

  6. I watched a video awhile ago about a reformed butt-fucker, gay-bar guy. His asshole was so screwed up that he was crying many nights. Then when the pain went away, he would go right back. And what he described as preparation for his butt-fucking was truly glorious! First they have to starve themselves for a day because they don’t want any poop coming out. Second, they condition their butt with several ointments that they get from prescription and also over the counter. They have a big problem anally and they try to manage it through several drugs and ointments. But what this guy said is that nothing actually works long term,. His anus is destroyed. He wears adult diapers now and completely wrecked.

  7. @Erik, Why? because the government, colleges, media et. al. support the rainbow flag. I wanted to dive in and find out what satan is doing. The war with Satan can be ugly, I admit. But to truly understand it, you may have to dirty your eyes. To just ignore it and not understand what is truly behind these things is sinful, in my perspective. Men went to war and saw and actually experienced worse than what I described above. I am not experiencing it. I’m just researching it. That’s why.

  8. Now that just about everyone knows how so-called “Monkey Pox” is primarily contracted, it seems the Leftist Woke crowd have panted themselves into a corner. How far will all those covid mask-wearers go to be “safe”? Will I be allowed to laugh out loud when I see people who are wearing the “I Got Vaxxed for Monkey Pox!” stickers?

    And, yeah, having the cure before the new disease is beyond suspicious.

  9. “…safely and effectively…”

    …I think we’ve heard THIS lie a few times too many.

    This word combination, recited the exact same way by govenment at all levels and by their lickspittle media, is Newspeak for “This is something that we came up with that is meant to kill the people we give the REAL doses to”.

  10. @Meerkat

    Having a destroyed anus like your friend has must be a real pain in the ass.

    But the majority of queers seem to continue doing the nasty regardless of the pain. They’re a stupid bunch. God has designed us to feel guilty and remorseful after doing evil things. This is probably the key to why so many queers abuse alcohol, drugs, and commit suicide. The guilt must be overwhelming.


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