Hickenlooper Booed At California Democratic Party Convention After Denouncing Socialism – IOTW Report

Hickenlooper Booed At California Democratic Party Convention After Denouncing Socialism


Former Colorado governor and Democratic presidential candidate John Hickenlooper was booed while speaking at the California Democratic Party Convention on Saturday after he denounced socialism.

“If we want to beat Donald Trump and achieve big progressive goals, socialism is not the answer,” Hickenlooper told the audience, prompting boos. “I was reelected in a purple state in 2014, one of the worst years for democrats in a quarter-century,” he continued to loud expressions of disapproval.

Later, Hickenlooper criticized far-left proposals on healthcare and the environment, leading to more boos.

“We shouldn’t try to achieve universal coverage by removing private insurance from over 150 million Americans,” Hickenlooper said. “We should not try to tackle climate change by guaranteeing every american a government job. Hold on, hold on. As the Democratic Party, we have to create a vision for this country. I want to give Americans a reason to look forward to tomorrow.”  more here

14 Comments on Hickenlooper Booed At California Democratic Party Convention After Denouncing Socialism

  1. I’m so old that I can remember before 2012 when Democrats indignantly screamed at anyone who dared to call their policies “socialist”.

    That was, of course, gaslighting then too. How dare you accurately describe what we’ll never admit to being!

  2. They’ll steal your heart and the means of production.

    But education is where they really exhibit their compassion with their Leave No Child’s Behind Act.

  3. This is actually an improvement over his previous failure to defend Capitalism. Apparently, Comrade Clueless has grown a bit of a spine since he’s had some time to be told how stupid he looked avoiding that question, since he has been a very successful businessman in Denver for decades.


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