Hickenlooper: Give Illegal Immigrants 10-year Visas ‘Immediately’ – IOTW Report

Hickenlooper: Give Illegal Immigrants 10-year Visas ‘Immediately’

WFB: The former Colorado governor was speaking at Telemundo’s presidential candidate forum in Miami

Former Colorado governor and Democratic presidential candidate John Hickenlooper said Friday the 11 million illegal immigrants currently living in the United States should be given 10-year visas “immediately.”

Hickenlooper was speaking at Telemundo’s presidential candidate forum in Miami when he made the comment about illegal immigrants in the United States, adding the visa would allow a path to American citizenship.

“What would be your plan for the 11 million undocumented immigrants that are right here in the country. Would you give them a path to citizenship?” a moderator asked.

Before answering the question, Hickenlooper responded to another question about a 2014 Wall Street Journal interview in which he said citizenship wasn’t a priority for undocumented immigrants. The moderator mentioned that he walked back the claim and then repeated it in 2016 during an event with community leaders.

“I was talking about—when I talked to the Wall Street Journal about trying to find a way that the undocumented people in this country could go back and forth immediately and visit their families,” Hickenlooper said. “What I would say with the 11 million people that are here now that we should give them a 10-year visa immediately, put them on a pathway to citizenship and make sure that if it takes longer they can have extensions.” read more

23 Comments on Hickenlooper: Give Illegal Immigrants 10-year Visas ‘Immediately’

  1. Hmmm … no fealty to our Constitution, or to our laws, or to our civilization, or to our country, or to our citizenry, or to our culture, or to anything else.
    So, what is his point? His constituency? Where do his loyalties lie? Who does he “serve?” To whom is he indebted (financially and morally)? Does he consider himself an American? Why? How? To what extent?

    The same should be asked of others.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “11 million get 10 year visas” What’s he gonna give to the other 30 million illegals?…This is John Hickenlooper…
    Salon Ocampo, the site of the shooting.
    From the evening of May 7 until the early morning of May 8 (Mother’s Day), 2005, Denver Police Detectives Donnie Young and John Bishop were working off-duty providing security at the Salon Ocampo Hall. The hall was hosting an invitation-only baptismal party.[1] On the evening of May 7, Young and Bishop escorted Raúl Gómez-García out of the hall. Gómez-García returned about 1 a.m., approached both detectives from behind, and shot Donnie Young three times, including one shot to the head. Gómez-García also shot John Bishop once in the chest, but Bishop was not killed due to his bulletproof vest.[2]

    Raúl Gómez-García, a.k.a. Raúl García-Gómez, was an illegal immigrant working at the “Cherry Cricket,” a restaurant owned by the then Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper. Gómez-García used forged identification to obtain a job as a dishwasher. (According to Bay Buchanan, when asked whether he bore any responsibility for Gómez-García’s presence in Denver, Hickenlooper replied “That buck doesn’t stop here!”)[3]

    Prior to the shooting, Gómez-García had been stopped three times for traffic violations.[4] Gómez-García fled to his native Mexico where he was arrested June 4, 2005.


    Hickenlooper is living and breathing squirrel snot but one thing needs to change in the nomenclature. It ain’t 11 million illegal aliens. It’s 40-50 million illegal aliens, maybe 60 million. That 11-12 million illegal aliens number started just after Reagan’s 1986 BIG AMNESTY MISTAKE!!!!….

  3. Send 10,000 at illegals at a time to Colorado until the California transplants admit why they left California and stop blindly voting for all things democommie.

  4. I love all of the irresponsible little kamikaze Democrat Bulworths pandering their way to oblivion, while dragging their eventual nominee to certain defeat in 2020.

  5. My 10 year visa “If you are caught re -entering the USA you will be executed on the spot.
    No prison, no jail no trial, No constitutional Rights just death, and burial in an unmarked grave.

  6. OT I know , but does anyone else wonder whether all these alleged male (d) candidates are equipped with “neuticles” rather than the real thing and the alleged females with “ovaricles”? Have they been seen hanging around outside veterinarians’ offices?

  7. But why would illegals want a visa? Why would they want a pathway to citizenship?

    They don’t come here to pay taxes. Illegals have more rights than natives, there is no incentive to give that up.

    Just a thought.

  8. ‘speaking at Telemundo’
    How’d this POS even made it back to his car without having been shot in the face?
    Inquiring minds want to know,,,
    Even the ones at NBC,,

  9. Comrade Clueless has opened his big Demographic Party mouth and changed feet again. This won’t get Chickenpooper many votes, because Comrade Clueless’ opponents won’t let him out amnesty them. He’s an affable dunce pretending to be a moderate.


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