High-chair wars: Democrats still fighting amongst themselves about their porkulus bills – IOTW Report

High-chair wars: Democrats still fighting amongst themselves about their porkulus bills


By Monica Showalter

As if the likely victory of Glenn Youngkin in Virginia’s gubernatorial race weren’t enough of a ray of light, Republicans can also cross their fingers that the Democrats’ two gargantuan spending bills in Congress are staying a hopeless mess.

That’s the impression from Politico report, which states that Democrats are still fighting among themselves about this wretched matter:

As Biden prepared for the high-stakes meeting with House Democrats on Thursday, [Rep. Pramila] Jayapal made an urgent plea on a call with White House chief of staff Ron Klain: Don’t send the president to pressure liberals to vote Thursday on the Senate’s infrastructure bill without a more progressive social spending bill that’s fully done.

Klain pushed Jayapal, who leads the Congressional Progressive Caucus, to vote for the infrastructure bill during the call, according to a source familiar with their conversation. Jayapal responded that she wanted to avoid sending Biden off to Europe on Thursday with a failed vote, according to multiple Democrats.

What happened next is a dizzying fall of dominos. Biden didn’t directly ask House Democrats to pass his bipartisan infrastructure bill, leaving Pelosi to make the request. Then Jayapal’s progressives dug in against the infrastructure vote that the speaker wanted to tee up — using the president’s lack of a request for cover.


2 Comments on High-chair wars: Democrats still fighting amongst themselves about their porkulus bills

  1. It isn’t the pork that worries me about these bills, although of course I despise every page of it. It is the parts that take away our liberties, that hand citizenship to illegals, that destroy our way of life beyond just adding debt – those hidden parts are what really worry me. And given that I haven’t heard Manchin or Sinema or anyone else mention them I expect they will be imposed upon us soon.
    Of course this bill should be subject to cloture and a Senate 60-vote threshold. But it won’t be.


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